energy resources and sustainability
Indiana Geological and Water Survery
Our Department isn’t the only one in the Geology Building that has a new name. The long-standing “Indi-
ana Geological Survey” has made way for the “Indiana Geological and Water Survey,” reflecting the Survey’s
expanded efforts in the study and dissemination of information about the quality and quantity of Indiana’s
surface- and groundwater.

“I think it’s no surprise to
anyone who follows the news
that water is a growing issue
in the 21st century.”
“I think it’s no surprise to anyone who follows the news that water is a
growing issue in the 21st century,” said Survey Director Todd Thompson.

“As a midwestern state, we assume that sufficient water exists for hu-
man and livestock consumption, agriculture, and business uses. Howev-
er, we have a limited inventory of the quantity, and even less knowledge
of the quality, of this important resource. At the Indiana Geological and
Water Survey, we hope to more accurately define water resources statewide.” The name change was codified
in Indiana Senate Bill 416, which took effect on July 1, 2017.

A new study conservatively estimates that the Survey has an annual economic impact of $110.4 million on
the state of Indiana. Conducted by Capstone Class 7933 in IU’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs as
their class project, the study cites the Survey’s online tools such as IndianaMap and the Petroleum Data Man-
agement System at nearly $25 million alone. The value of projects that would never be completed without the
IGWS’s freely available or low-cost data is listed at more than $56 million annually. The study surveyed users
of IGWS information and implemented the input-output model IMPLAN as part of their methodology.

The Indiana Geological and Water Survey is reaching more Hoosiers than ever before with an increased effort
on outreach programs for the general public. From the well-known Quake Cottage program to partnerships
with Indiana State Parks, more than 10,000 Hoosiers participated in IGS outreach activities in 2016. New ad-
ditions in 2017, including scouting workshops, library programs, quarry tours, and Master Naturalist courses,
have reached another 9,750 people by the end of September 2017. Polly Sturgeon, the Survey’s Outreach Co-
ordinator, has also promoted new lesson plans, StoryMaps, and social media campaigns to increase aware-
ness of Indiana geology around the state.

In the past year, a number of new employees have joined the Survey:
José Luis Antinao, Ph.D., Research Geologist (surficial); Alyssa Bancroft, Ph.D., Research Geologist (stra-
tigraphy); Shalom Drummond, Admin. Support Team Member; Lee Florea, Ph.D., Assistant Director for
Research; Eric Gamble, Research Geologist (hydrogeology); Megan Harris, Program Coordinator; Jennifer
Lanman, Archives and Collections Manager; Clayton McGuire, System Analyst/Programmer/Web Design-
er; Gary Motz, Assistant Director for Information Services; Brandon Phillips, Internal Projects Coordinator;
and Don Tripp, Program Coordinator.

IGWS website:
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Jose Luis Antinao