solid Earth dynamics
EAS Research Contributes to USGS
Earthquake Information System
One of the most challenging aspects of earthquake haz-
ard mitigation is predicting the nature and distribution
of the complex array of secondary effects triggered by
major earthquakes.

ners, and concerned citizens. The model should contribute
to mitigation of the deadly effects of earthquake-triggered
landslides. Eventually, the collaborators plan to develop a
“stoplight” system that will provide preliminary indications
of the likelihood of fatalities and economic impacts of earth-
To address that research gap, Michael Hamburger and
quake-induced landslides within minutes after an earth-
his students are collaborating with scientists from the
quake. US Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Informa-
tion Center in Golden, Colorado on a study of a partic-
ularly deadly secondary effect of earthquakes: land-
slides. The collaborative research promises to provide
useful information on landslides triggered by earth-
quakes within minutes of the occurrence of a major
temblor. The collaborative research program grew out of EAS
grad student Anna Jessee’s summer internship with
the USGS five years ago. Since her internship with the
USGS, Anna has focused much of her Ph.D. research
on development of a new global model to assess the
likelihood of landslides in the aftermath of a significant
earthquake. Anna’s global landslide model offers the
USGS — for the first time — the ability to predict wheth-
er, and where, landslides are likely to occur in the after-
Anna Jessee defended her Ph.D. dissertation in September
math of significant earthquakes. Anna’s model, now
2017, and will remain at IU for the next year as a post-doc-
being implemented and displayed on the USGS earth-
toral research associate, where she will continue to collabo-
quake website, will provide near-real time information
rate with USGS on further development of the model.

to government officials, emergency responders, plan-
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