In addition to serving as a base for teaching, the Field
Station continues to act as a base and logistical hub
for research. One M.S. thesis has been completed, and
three other projects are ongoing all within the past
three years. Field work was undertaken by Kirstyn
Cataldo (M.S., adv. B. Douglas) and Matt Wanker
(M.S., adv. D. Edmonds) during the summer of 2017.
IU faculty member Dr. Brian Yanites also made a
visit to the Field Station to conduct a preliminary
assessment of the South Boulder River as a potential
site for future research.
SCHOLARSHIPS It is exciting to be able to report that we have contin-
ued to add to our scholarship base with the addition
of three new scholarships over the past three years.
These generous donations from alumni are making it
possible for the Field Station to award scholarships
to 70 % of the students enrolled in G429 with the
average amount of funding awarding during this time
being $52,000.
FACILITIES Efforts have been underway for several years to sys-
tematically upgrade the student dormitories. The
goal is to have all of the dorms on the upper cam-
pus renovated over the next 5 years. A less obvious
change but of high importance was the replacement
of a number of kitchen appliances, the most im-
portant of which may have been the replacement
of the coffee maker which was the same one that
existed when Bruce Douglas started teaching over
30 years ago. Progress has also been made on the
design and plans for a new student bathhouse to be
constructed on the upper campus. The project is in
the final stages of design and cost analysis. We are
cautiously optimistic that construction will begin in
the not too distant future.
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