field geoscience
Olduvai Gorge Summer Field Study
The summer field course in Field Geology and Paleoanthro-
pology at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Africa (EAS-X377) was
held for the fourth consecutive year in summer 2017. We had
a total of 10 students hailing from IU-Bloomington, IUPUI,
University of Nevada, Addis Abbaba University (Kenya) and
the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa). As with last
year, the faculty were Jackson Njau and Jim Brophy, both of
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

For those EAS (formerly Geological Sciences) alums who have
taken the course, you will be interested to know that we had
to relocate our camping and dining site to the west of the Old
Leakey Compound. The Tanzanian government has decided
to turn the original compound into a Leaky museum site and
they did not want scruffy faculty and students running around.

As part of this project, the small museum along the rim of
Olduvai Gorge has been replaced with a modern 3-building
museum that was dedicated in summer 2017.

The website address for the Tanzanian field course is support the
Olduvai Gorge Summer Field Study Program
For the past 4 years, Indiana University has offered a unique five-week
Geology and Paleoanthropology Field School taught in the Olduvai
Gorge region ( The course has been
a truly valuable and sometimes life-changing experience for students.

The Stone Age Institute ( has provided
generous support from the beginning.

For many students, however, participation is still beyond their reach. An
additional goal of the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Alumni College
is to raise funds for the Olduvai Field School Scholarship Fund. If you
are interested in helping, a donation can be arranged at the time of
registration or any time thereafter.

There are three donation levels:
Silver benefactors ($100-$1,000)
Gold benefactors ($1,000-$2,000)
Platinum benefactors ($2,000 and above)
For information on adonating to the
EAS Alumni College scholarship fund, please visit 44 | hgr