EAS Alumni College at Olduvai-Serengeti
In last year’s HGR it was announced that an Olduvai-Serengeti
Alumni College was “in the works.” We are very pleased to
announce that we plan to offer it for the first time this coming
summer (2018). This Alumni College offers an exciting ten-day
educational experience in and around Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.

Olduvai is located in the Ngorongoro-Serengeti ecosystem
where people and their early ancestors have coexisted with
wildlife for nearly four mil-
are very pleased to
lion years.

We announce that we plan to
offer it for the first time this
coming summer (2018)
It is a world heritage arche-
ological site made famous
by Dr. Louis Leakey and his
wife Mary for their ground-
breaking discovers of early human fossils documenting the
evolutionary history of our species, culture and technology.

The College will be led by IU professors Jackson Njau and
Jim Brophy, along with one or more experienced Tanzanian
safari tour guides. Together, Njau and Brophy represent over
a decade of teaching and research in the Olduvai region while
the safari guides bring their vast knowledge of the flora and
fauna of the Serengeti.

The College will begin in the city of Arusha, which is close to Mt.

Kilamanjaro. As you leave Arusha you will see and learn about the
East Africa Rift Zone, arguably the single most famous geologic
feature in the world.

You will spend several days in the Olduvai region working side
by side with students currently enrolled in a 5-week Geology
and Paleoanthropology field school based out of the original
Leakey research camp at Olduvai.

You will participate in lectures.

You will hike into the gorge.

You will get your hands dirty in the field.

You may even make your own stone tool and skin a goat (if
you are up to it!).

You will experience first hand the local Masaai culture as you
interact with them at both the Leakey camp and at their own
primitive bomas.

After leaving the Olduvai region you will travel for three days in the
nearby Serengeti plain where you will experience African wildlife at
its best. From there, you will return to Arusha and home.

All vehicle travel is in comfortable, robust safari vehicles. All acco-
modations are in first class hotels or safari lodges. In short, you
will be comfortable from beginning to end.

apply for the
EAS Alumni College Program at Olduvai - Serengeti
For information on applying for the EAS Alumni Field School in Olduvai, please visit
https://www.indiana.edu/~olduvai/alumni/index.html hgr | 45