news about us
Since late 2011 we have repurposed, remodeled, or ren-
In addition to those major improvements, in mid-2017 we
ovated a multitude of spaces in the Geology building.
finished the final phase of the Paleo Collection renovation,
building updates
viewers can study from the outside hallway. The display
case will not only hold specimens but incorporate a monitor
Most efforts were isolated endeavors, one commonality
and displays with augmented reality functions.
being that each was made more complicated by issues
The Geology building has become an invaluable resource to
related to the building’s aging infrastructure. As such,
a variety of groups from across campus, these groups were
we are quite excited with the news that IU has received
displaced from their buildings due to renovation efforts but
funding for a future infrastructure-focused building ren-
are now utilizing temporary space in the Geology building so
ovation. that they can continue their operations until their building
Although unrelated to the renovation effort, we did ex-
renovations are finished.
perience a major central infrastructure upgrade in 2017.
And some units have moved in permanently.
The internal chillers and their associated hardware were
Our neighbor to the west, the
removed and the building was connected to the IU Bloom-
ington central chilled water system. Aside from the benefit
of having the utility in place before renovation efforts
begin, the upgrade also included remote monitoring and
control systems. Those systems are already improving
functionality of our existing air handling units. The air
handling units are now capable, if necessary, of receiving
chilled water supply year round, whereas the HVAC side
of the previous arrangement had to be winterized each
winter to avoid damage. Ultimately, while still utilizing
original systems it is not that noticeable an improvement,
but it is a noteworthy first step.
faculty timeline
50 | hgr
installing card readers, and creating a new display case that
School of Informatics, Computing,
and Engineering, is occupying
a renovated classroom on the
4th floor of Geology. They have
a new building, Luddy Hall, un-
der construction (see image
right), but they will also use the
Geology building classroom for
the foreseeable future.
View of Luddy Hall under
construction, looking west from the
roof of the Geology building.
Our neighbor to the east, Psychology and Brain Science.
has moved some of their research facilities into a beauti-
fully-renovated suite of offices on the 6th floor,