Michael Bennett
Manager of Information Technology
Pam Christenberry
Administrative and Fiscal Officer
Amanda Coats
IUGFS Accounting Associate
Megan Divine
Contracts and Grant Accounting Associate
Ruth Droppo
Graphic and web design and development
Dianne Dupree
Administrative Secretary, Chair’s Assistant
‘Chelle Filippelli
Graduate Services Coordinator
John Hettle
Facilities Administrator, Geology Building
Not Listed
Purchasing and Travel Representative
Jian Liu
Geosciences Librarian
Terry Stigall
Geophysics Electronics Technician
Mark Toensing
IU Geologic Field Station Resident Manager
Ben Underwood
Manager, Stable Isotope Research Facility
John Walker
IT Techical Specialist
department staff
Staff members work in a variety
of occupations to enhance the
presence and function of the
department on campus.

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