May, 1956
May, 1966
C.W. Beck, C.F. Deiss (Chair), R.E. Esarey, H.H. Gray, A.M.
Gutstat, W.R. Lowell, J.W. Mead, H.H. Murray, J.B. Patton,
T.G. Perry, W.D. Thornbury, C.J. Vitaliano.
STORIES Just one year after joining the faculty, Professor Hat-
tin was called for two years of military service with the
Air Force. Professor Harry Wheeler of the University of
Washington was appointed as Distinguished Visiting
Professor of Stratigraphy to teach Dr. Hattin’s courses
in 1956-57.
The geology faculty voted to change the requirements
for the A.M. degree by adopting a Graduate School op-
tion which states “Either a thesis or a reading knowledge
of German or French is required”.
The recipient of the Faculty Scholarship Brunton Award
for 1954-55 was James Robert Dodd. James plans to ob-
tain a Ph.D. in paleontology, and then either teach in a
university or do paleontology research for the U.S.G.S.
or a state survey.
It appears that some part of the geology facilities will be
on wheels most of the time between March and October,
and anyone who hopes to do business with us would be
well advised to bring a bicycle. The large Quonset hut oc-
cupied by geology at the east end of the Union will be re-
moved to make room for the eastward extension of the
Union Building, which will triple the size of that building.
Up to fourteen companies have visited the department
and about every student that resembled a geologist has
had some sort of offer.
A.F. Agnew, C.W. Beck, J.B. Droste, R.E. Esarey, D.E. Hattin,
T.E. Hendrix, W.R. Lowell, J.W. Mead, W.G. Meinschein, J.B.
Patton (Chair), T.G. Perry, P.E. Potter, A.J. Rudman, R.H.
Shaver, Y.M. Sternberg, W.D. Thornbury, C.J. Vitaliano, C.E.
The addition of three new faculty in 1966, Rudman, Stern-
berg, and Meinschein, raised the total number of faculty to
its highest level (18) in the history of the Department.
The Department was “deluged” (because the program Di-
rector, Professor Agnew, is a hydrogeologist) by 20 high
school earth science teachers from across the country, se-
lected from over 300 applicants, for the Academic Year In-
stitute sponsored by NSF. The participants are in residence
for two semesters to obtain the M.A. for Teachers degree.
Recruiters from 20 industries interviewed students in the
Department. The Department received notices for 47 teach-
ing positions available mostly at U.S colleges and universi-
ties. The Department/Survey hosted five meetings with region-
al, national, and international participation, adding spice to
the lives of the inhabitants of the Geology Building.
SGE’s social calendar was a rousing success. Fall Frolic at-
tendance was 55; 115 people attended the Christmas Party
and 185 participated in the spring picnic. The second winner
of the Annual Screwball Award, Professor Mead, was intro-
duced by the inaugural winner of the award in 1965, Profes-
sor Hattin.
Twenty-four students were enrolled in the Montana
summer field course taught by professors Esarey, Perry,
and Lowell. No unusual events occurred—no accidents,
no romances.
Moving part of the Geological Survey into their new
quarters in Wylie Hall was delayed several months while
Dr. Kinsey’s new quarters in Jordan Hall were sound-
proofed to prevent the escape of any sex secrets before
publication. Professor and Mrs. Judson Mead toured the west during
the past summer and visited the I.U. Camp, Black Hills,
Glacier Park, etc. Jud liked the camp so much that he is
going back as a member of the summer staff.
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