news about us
December, 1987
FACULTY A. Basu, J. Brophy, R. Christoffersen, D. Dilcher, J.

Dodd (Chair), J. Droste, J. Dunning, M. Hamburger,
D. Hattin, J. Hayes, N. Hestor, N. Krothe, G. Lane, E.

Merino, H. Murray, G. Olyphant, L. Onesti, P. Ortoleva,
G. Pavlis, L. Pratt, E. Ripley, A. Rudman, R. Shaver, L.

Suttner, D. Towell, R. Wintsch.

ENROLLMENTS Undergraduate major enrollment declined from
a maximum of over 200 at the start of decade to
about 60 in the past two years. Graduate enrollment
declined from about 105 to 60.

STORIES December, 1977
FACULTY R.F. Blakely, D.L. Dilcher, J.R. Dodd, J.B. Droste, D.E. Hattin, J.M.

Hayes, T.E. Hendrix, C. Klein, N.C. Krothe, N.G. Lane, J.W. Mead,
W.G. Meinschein, E. Merino, H.H. Murray (Chair), J.B. Patton, E.M.

Ripley, A.J. Rudman, R.V. Ruhe, R.H. Shaver, L.J. Suttner, D.G. Tow-
ell, C.J. Vitaliano, R.P. Wintsch.

ENROLLMENTS Undergraduate major enrollment reached a high of 150; 75 grad-
uate students were enrolled. The Department’s number of alumni
passed 1000.

STORIES The Department had six active NSF grants, five HEW fellowships
on energy and mineral resources, three industrial fellowships,
three industry-funded research projects, and six projects funded
through the Water Resources Research Center.

A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer designed and con-
structed in part by John Hayes performed flawlessly in analyses
of the Mars atmosphere. Very, very much closer to home, Warren
Meinschein and Robert Ruhe conducted a study of the organic
pollutant content in Bloomington’s storm-water runoff.

William Glover and Andrew Campbell received the prestigious
Faculty Scholarship Brunton Compass Award reflecting their
achievement of highest GPA in the 1976 and 1977 graduating
class of undergraduates. W. Calvin James, Myron Webb, Connie
Roberts, and Ellen Lake received Outstanding Associate Instruc-
tor Awards in recognition of their excellent undergraduate teach-
ing. With approximately only one out of three out-of-state student’s
applicants being accepted, the Montana program continued to
operate at capacity with an enrollment of over 140 students.

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Within the last year, the Department celebrated its
100th birthday and the Indiana Geological Survey
celebrated its 150th birthday.

A Richter-scale 5.0 earthquake centered near Vin-
cennes on June 11 kept Professor Gary Pavlis busy
with television, radio, and newspaper media. It was
widely felt in southern Indiana and there was some
local damage.

The Annual Fall Field Trip of the Great Lakes Section,
SEPM was held at I.U. on October 9-11; it focused on
the Mississippian carbonate stratigraphy of south-
ern Indiana. Bob Dodd and Abhijit Basu organized
the trip with students as part of a special graduate
seminar in carbonate petrology.

Following the celebration of I.U.’s national champi-
onship basketball victory over Syracuse, Professor
Droste summarized his memories of having stars
Steve Alford, Keith Smart, and Dean Garrett in his
introductory physical geology class. Following the
victory in New Orleans, he was forced to postpone
the start of his class until nearly the start of the next
class to allow Keith Smart, whose last-second shot
clinched the victory in the championship game, to
sign autographs.

A new computer lab for student use has just been
completed next to the geology library. Included in
the hardware is a Macintosh SE microcomputer, and
a laser printer, along with extensive software, includ-
ing graphics packages. This will be especially use-
ful for word processing and illustrations for theses,
term papers, and other student projects.