He is survived by his children James T. Hayes of Honolu-
lu, Hawaii, Anne Hayes Hartman of Oakland, California,
and Rachel M. Hayes of Nashville, Tennessee, and by his
grandchildren Diego Enriquez, Johanna Hartman, Sar-
ah Hartman, and Rylan Hayes. His children and grand-
children were all with him on the day he died.

As a scientist, Hayes’ work on organic isotopes and re-
construction of ancient conditions provided evidence
of the development of the carbon cycle over geolog-
ic time, the timing of evolutionary events such as the
development of photosynthesis, and the development
of the global environment. He performed field work
around the globe, including on the R/V Atlantis and in
the submersible Alvin, and in Western Australia, South
Africa, and the Canadian Arctic. He was a member of
john hayes
the American Geophysical Union, the American Society
for Mass Spectrometry, and the European Association
Dr. John Michael Hayes
of Organic Geochemists. He authored two textbooks,
Born: September 6, 1940
four book chapters, and nearly 200 papers, and men-
Died: February 3, 2017
tored students and assisted colleagues in countless
John Michael Hayes passed away at his home in Berkeley,
ways. Hayes was elected a member of the Nation-
California, on February 3, 2017, of idiopathic pulmonary fi-
al Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American
brosis. Hayes was a geochemist, receiving a B.S. from Iowa
Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1998, and a Foreign
State University in 1962 and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts
Member of the Royal Society in 2016. Hayes served as a
Institute of Technology in 1966. He was a professor at Indi-
Captain in the United States Army from 1967-1968, de-
ana University for 26 years and was named a Distinguished
tailed to the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain
Professor. In 1996 he became director of the National Ocean
View, California.

Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility at Woods
John and Janice Hayes were enthusiastic travelers
Hole Oceanographic Institution, and also served as a pro-
throughout their lives, always willing to detour for, or
fessor at Harvard University. He has lived in Berkeley since
plan a trip around, good restaurants and fine wine. He
2007. was an experienced photographer, a flutist and lover
Born in Seattle, Washington, John Hayes grew up in Mon-
of classical music, and a baker who made six loaves of
tana and Iowa, attending 13 schools before graduating from
bread nearly every weekend his children were grow-
high school in Perry, Iowa, as his family moved regularly for
ing up. In Berkeley, he was a member of the Epworth
his father’s job with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
United Methodist Church and the Berkeley Camera
Pacific Railroad. In 1962, he married Janice Maria (Boeke)
Club. He had an unpretentious approach to life in and
Hayes of Hubbard, Iowa, whom he met at Iowa State Univer-
out of the laboratory; “look for the good in people” was
sity. They celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary before
his bedrock philosophy. As he rejoins the carbon cycle,
her death in 2013.

he would like to remind us all to take action to combat
global climate change.

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