hgr 2017-18 HOOSIER GEOLOGIC | ATMOSPHERIC RECORD EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES hgr | 1 hgr Hoosier Geologic | Atmospheric Record DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Chair: Jim Brophy Co-Editors: Arndt Schimmelmann & Jim Brophy Graphic Design: Ruth Droppo http://earth.indiana.edu/ College of Arts + Sciences Executive Dean: Larry D. Singell Executive Director of Advancement: Travis Paulin Director of Alumni Relations: Vanessa Cloe http://college.indiana.edu/ Cover: This image of North and South America at night is a compos- ite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite in April and October 2012. The new data were mapped over existing Blue Marble imagery of Earth to provide a realistic view of the planet. The nighttime view was made possible by the new satellite’s “day- night band” of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite. VIIRS detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-in- frared and uses filtering techniques to observe dim signals such as city lights, gas flares, auroras, wildfires, and reflected moonlight. In this case, auroras, fires, and other stray light have been removed to emphasize the city lights. NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data provided courtesy of Chris Elvidge (NOAA Nation- al Geophysical Data Center). Suomi NPP is the result of a partner- ship between NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense. Caption by Mike Carlowicz. 2 | hgr The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences greetings from the chair new name, new curriculum We remain committed to providing the finest undergradu- ate and graduate education possible. Our undergraduates are moving on to graduate school while our graduate stu- dents are all finding jobs. Much of this success is due to the support of alumni like you who have generously given to the department in so many different ways. The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at IU is changing as the fields of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences make new advances and as we expand into new areas like Tectonic Geomorphology, Surface Dynamics, and Atmospheric Sciences. PAGE 6 PAGE 5 EAS Disciplines 1. climate and earth processes: 4. solid earth dynamics: Atmospheric Sciences, Biogeochemistry, Surface Processes Geophysics, Structural Geology, Tectonics Earth’s surface and environment are in a dynamic zone that extends from the base of weathered bedrock to the top of trees. In this zone, the atmosphere, water, biota, and tecton- ics interact to influence landscapes, water resources, natural hazards, climate, biogeochemical cycles, and life.  Critical to our understanding the Earth is knowledge of the physical processes that shape the Earth’s formation, evolution, and present-day dynamics. The combination of state-of-the-art geophysical instrumentation and advanced computational capabilities makes it possible to observe and quantitatively model complex geological systems in ways that were previously unimaginable. PAGE 8 2. energy resources: PAGE 36 Mineralogy and Petrology, Stratigraphy Indiana Geological and Water Survey 5. field courses: Numerous projects in mineralogy and sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic petrology have been or are presently being carried out on all 7 continents. Nearly all of this research is funded by NSF, NASA and corporate grants. Current investiga- tions include research on basalt and tonalitic magma genera- tion, magmatic processes and sulfide ore formation, structural and rheological properties of metamorphic rocks, pure and applied clay mineralogy, the mineralogy of natural zeolites, and planetary mineralogy. The Judson Mead Geologic Field Station Field Course at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania NEW IN 2018! EAS Alumni College Field Course at Olduvai Our department has long maintained a strong com- mitment to field-based geoscience investigations and education to achieve a fundamental improvement in our understanding of the Earth. PAGE 42 PAGE 18 3. origin and evolution of life: Geobiology, Geoarchaeology, Paleontology These disciplines investigate the interactions between life and environments throughout Earth’s history. Principles of pale- ontology form the foundation that bridges geologic, biologic, chemical, and anthropologic sciences. Geobiology relies on analysis of fossils in their geologic, and thus historical and envi- ronmental contexts to test hypotheses about the history of life. News about Faculty, Students, Staff, and Department - PAGE 46 Tracks and Trails from Deep (sort of) Time - PAGE 52 News from Alumni - PAGE 58 2012-2017 Benefactors - PAGE 62 People In Memory: Erle Kauffman, John Hayes - PAGE 66 Alumni Contact Form - PAGE 68 EAS Social Media - PAGE 69 PAGE 24 hgr | 3 DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES explore your Earth! 4 | hgr Greetings from the Departmental Chair Dear Alumni, I hope that you find the current edition of the HGR informative and exciting. As a department, we are very proud of our accom- plishments this past year. Some of the highlights include an Atmospheric Sciences program that is growing by leaps and bounds. This year they placed their first graduate in a broad- cast booth as a weather forecaster. David Polly, our newly named Schrock Professor, and several other faculty have been instrumental in landing a multi-disciplinary, multi-department, multi-million dollar Grand Challenges grant entitled “Prepared for Environmental Change.” Chen Zhu, our reigning aqueous geochemist, has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science (AAAS), which is a truly prestigious honor. We remain committed to providing the finest undergraduate and graduate edu- cation possible. Our undergraduates are moving on to graduate school while our graduate students are all finding jobs. Much of this success is due to the support of alumni like you who have generously given to the department in so many dif- ferent ways. The near 60-year-old Geology Building is slated for renovation sometime in the next few years (following a complete renovation of Ballantine Hall on the other side of campus). The upside is that we will have modern teaching and research facilities in the end (though much smaller offices). The downside is that we will have to move much of our work to other buildings on campus for at least a year. Come visit us in a few years and see for yourself what the renovation will have accomplished! All-in-all, it has been a good year for our faculty, staff and students. I am proud to serve as Chair of a department that is full of such fine colleagues and co-workers. Happy Reading Jim Brophy Departmental Chair hgr | 5 find your major path ways New Name, New Curriculum New Undergraduate Curriculum The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at IU is changing as the fields of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences make new advances and as we expand into new areas like Tectonic Geomorphology, Surface Dynamics, and Atmospheric Sciences. We have introduced a new curriculum to reflect this growth and to provide students with opportunities to explore a wide range of topics in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Designed as multiple pathways to a successful degree, the curriculum in- cludes three new core introductory ‘Earth’ courses for majors that expose students to the breadth of our fields including G225 Earth Materials, G226 Earth Processes, and G227 Earth History and Climate, and two 300-level courses G314 Data Analysis and G333 Sedimentation and Tectonics. With the exception of Earth Materials and Data Analysis, all courses are team- taught, thus exposing our students to a larger cross section of the faculty early on in their careers. We now offer a B.S. degree in Earth Sciences, a B.S. degree in Atmospheric Sciences, and a B.A. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.  At the upper level, the two B.S. degrees diverge significantly. The B.S. in Earth Sciences permits the packaging of existing geology courses within multiple informal tracks while the B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences includes upper level courses in Atmospheric Sciences. The B.A. in Earth and Atmospheric Sci- ences is very flexible and permits students to package courses at the 100-, 200-, 300- and 400-levels to create a degree that is tailor-made to their own interests. The new “pathways” process helps students choose course offerings that are more closely aligned with career opportunities. These pathways may lead to careers in Geology, Energy and Environment, Integrated Earth Sciences, and Atmospheric Sciences. to CAREERS in EARTH & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES Are you interested in sustainability and environmental issues? Are you concerned about climate change? Do you want to know more about natural resources and alternative energy sources? Are you interested in how scientists predict the weather? Would you like to make this your career? 6 | hgr we can help with that! path ways Earth Sciences geology: to CAREERS in GEOLOGY path ways Earth and Atmospheric Sciences INDIANA UNIVERSITY to CAREERS in ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT path ways Earth and Atmospheric Sciences INDIANA UNIVERSITY to CAREERS in We offer B.S. and B.A. degrees in Earth Sciences. The Earth Sciences major is flexible and students can pursue different pathways such as: This pathway places emphasis on Earth materials (rocks and minerals), Earth structure, and Earth history. Students choose among courses in mineralogy, petrology, tectonics, sedimentary geology, and geophysics. energy and environment: This pathway explores applications of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences centered on contemporary energy and environmental issues. Students choose among courses in hydrology, economic geology, aqueous geochemistry, surface pro- cesses, and energy resources. integrated earth sciences: This pathway broadly explores concepts across Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Students choose among courses in atmospheric dynamics, meso-scale meteo- rology, climate change, geobiology, sedimentary geology, geochemistry, hydrolo- gy, and geophysics. INTEGRATED EARTH SCIENCES path ways Atmospheric Sciences Earth and Atmospheric Sciences INDIANA UNIVERSITY to CAREERS in The Atmospheric Sciences degree is designed to provide the education and train- ing students need to begin a promising career in meteorology, Atmospheric Sci- ences, or Environmental Science,s working for government weather agencies or private industry. We offer either a B.S. or B.A. degree. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES COURSES at the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences INDIANA UNIVERSITY IU GEOLOGIC FIELD STATION 4/13/2017 9:23:33 AM lead to IU Geologic Field Station We teach the geological skills that lead to the most sought-after professional skills for geoscience careers in academia, government intelligence and space agencies, USGS and state geological surveys, and many more possibilities. CAREERS in GEOSCIENCES hgr | 7 EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES INDIANA UNIVERSITY Climate and Earth Processes Climate and Earth processes are two of the most rapidly expanding areas in the geosciences. Research in these areas seeks to understand the character and dynamics of Earth’s habitable zone, especially the com- plex interactions of its biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere coupled with human-induced perturbations of these natural systems. It embraces studies of Earth’s climate and its connections operating on multiple spatial and temporal scales with the hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles that are influenced by pervasive surficial processes. Knowledge of these systems, especially their drivers and sensitivities to change, is integral to informed use of energy, mineral, water, and land resources and the environmental consequences of human activities. These advances permit understanding of paleoclimates and ancient environments from key proxies preserved in the rock record that have been verified in the modern world. The critical zone that lies as the interface of the natu- ral and anthropogenic worlds urgently needs improved understanding. Bridges between sub-disciplines of the geosciences that focus on problems such as the role of fluids in Earth systems and controls on the movement of dissolved and suspended materials can help. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University possess research expertise in these important do- mains. Research that incorporates observation, analyses, experiments, and modeling has achieved critical in- sights into these geological and biogeochemical pathways, from molecular processes and chemical reactions, to local- and regional-scale water and sediment budgets, and ultimately to global dynamics of atmospheric composition and oceanic temperature. The department is a key player in IU’s Integrated Program in the Environment. 8 | hgr NASA, NOAA analyses reveal record-shattering global warm temperatures in 2015. Posted Jan. 20, 2016 https://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/news/20160120/ atmospheric sciences Chanh Kieu, Cody Kirkpatrick, Paul Staten Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University is a dynamic program with exciting opportunities to under- take  field, satellite, or modeling research. Our faculty members actively conduct both observational and modeling studies of weather and climate processes across scales, from cold fronts and tropical cyclones, to global atmospheric cloud and circulation patterns. The Atmospheric Sciences Group is an active participant in the interdisciplinary research of other Earth and Atmospheric Sciences faculty, including paleoclimate research and global climate change studies. The Department’s diverse, close-knit group of researchers enjoys a collective expertise in atmosphere-hy- drosphere-solid Earth interactions. We are among the most active users of IU’s high-performance parallel computing facilities which include the new Big Red II machine - one of the world’s 70 fastest supercomput- ers. CHANH KIEU Assistant Professor | Atmospheric Sciences My research focuses on theoretical and numerical studies of hurricane dynamics and structure. The fun- damental questions that my research group currently tackle are how far in advance can we  predict hur- ricane intensity within a given accuracy, the abnormal structure of a hurricane’s inner core at a very high intensity limit, and potential changes in hurricane intensity and frequency in future climates.  My research employs extensive theoretical tools along with cloud-resolving model simulations on the IU exceptional high-performance computing system. hgr | 9 climate and Earth processes CODY KIRKPATRICK Lecturer | Atmospheric Sciences Cody conducts research in mesoscale meteorology - the atmospheric scale that includes circulation sizes from tornadoes and individual thunderstorms up to hurricanes - and the high impact weather that these phenomena produce. His primary area of interest is improving our prediction of how thunder- storms move, and understanding why certain storms may produce hail or tornadoes while other storms nearby do not.  Recently, he has also cultivated interest in the meteorology of wildfires, and how these conditions may evolve under Earth’s changing climate. On August 21, 2017 EAS faculty and staff participated in a campus-wide “Celeste Fest” celebrating the solar eclipse PAUL STATEN Assistant Professor | Atmospheric Sciences Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University is “green and growing,” so to speak, and the Staten Lab is no exception. Last year, Staten hosted an international working group on the “Width of the Tropics,” on campus to discuss the evidence for, and consequences of desertification and shifting wind and rain patterns. The Staten lab is also now home to four graduate students, with research topics ranging from modeled tropical rain cycles in Earth’s geologic past to climate’s effects on midlatitude clouds as observed by satellite. Undergraduate students also play an active role in the lab, with a Sustainability Scholar helping to run the weather research forecast model each morning. This model is being used to teach students about water use on campus, and to create high-resolution local forecasts specifically for the upper midwest. Department, college, and campus support continue to provide favorable growing conditions for the Atmospheric Sciences program. The renam- ing to ”Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences” not only high- lights the department’s strength in diversity, but also provides the Atmo- spheric Sciences program a named home. Graduate Fellowships from the college have attracted top talent to the program, and the recently announced Grand Challenge on Environmental Change has spurred the search for new faculty. The new Big Red 2+ and Carbonate supercom- puters provide exciting capabilities and processing power to the active group. Undergraduate student Zoey Mintz forecasts the weather for the coming week on Hoosier News Source. 10 | hgr hgr | 11 climate and Earth processes biogeochemistry Simon Brassell, Erika Elswick, Lisa Pratt, Ed Ripley, Peter Sauer, Juergen Schieber, Arndt Schimmelmann, Laura Wasylenki, Chen Zhu SIMON BRASSELL Professor of Geological Sciences Simon’s research activities continue to be fo- cused on the use of the molecular and isotopic compositions of sediments to elucidate paleo- climates and paleoenvironments, and to study the fate of organic matter in the geosphere. Recent investigations by Devon Colcord as part of her M.S. and Ph.D. studies have included as- sessment of climate records in lake sediments from Greenland, studying cores collected by the GetGamm program led by Lisa Pratt. Two publications in Organic Geochemistry have verified that the distributions of molecules biosynthesized by bacteria known as branched GDGTs (glyc- erol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) include contributions from autochthonous sources within lakes augmenting their origin from surrounding soils, and confirmed this conclusion by the first direct measurement of the carbon isotope composition of these molecules in collaboration with Professor Ann Pear- son at Harvard University. Another recent publication in Or- ganic Geochemistry reports the results from the M.S. thesis of Amishi Kumar, who elucidated the separate contributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons originating from both natural and anthropogenic sources of both petrogenic and py- rolytic compounds within sediments from the Santa Barbara Basin, offshore California. Over the past couple of years, investigations led by Ph.D. students Devon Colcord and Andi Shilling are elu- cidating changes in climate recorded by biogeochem- ical indices in a series of early Pleistocene lacustrine sediment cores recovered from Olduvai Gorge. This research is part of a larger collaborative project led by Jackson Njau, Nick Toth, and Kathy Schick that aims to explore environmental change during critical inter- vals of hominin evolution established at Olduvai. The laminated sediment sequence from ~1.8 Ma provides an extraordinary opportunity to determine short-term changes in climate that triggered responses in the lake phytoplankton and surrounding vegetation at a time of high hominin diversity. Simon continues to work on profiling ancient climates and is a co-author of a recent paper focused on a com- prehensive collation of temperature records for the Cretaceous, which has been published in Earth Science Reviews. He is also collaborating with Arndt Schim- melmann and Maria Mastalerz in analysis to better un- derstanding the specific nature of catalytic processes transforming organic matter during diagenesis in the New Albany and other shales. Simon teaches both a fully online introductory ocean- ography course that utilizes web-based resources in student exercises exploring a wide range of oceano- graphic phenomena and a College critical approaches class on records of global climate change. ERIKA ELSWICK Senior Lecturer and Director, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory News From the Analytical Geochemistry Laboratory Erika R. Elswick - Director  Fall 2017 has brought a lot of additional activity to the Analytical Geochemistry Laboratory with a full class in Methods in Analytical Geochemistry (G444/G544).  In the spring we acquired a new ion chromatograph for the analysis of anions in water samples.  The new Thermo/Dionex instrument replaces a much older unit, and is very student friendly.  We continue to analyze aqueous solutions and solids for departmental members, as well as colleagues in other departments and units across campus.   During the summer of 2017 I embarked on a new project with a colleague to begin to instrument a wetland located in the National Forest land above the IU Field Station associated with the late 19th and early 20th Century mining activities. We ultimately hope to shed some light on this dynamic setting to develop mod- els for remediation at higher altitudes. ​ 12 | hgr ARNDT SCHIMMELMANN Senior Scientist | Organic Geochemistry and Chemical Oceanography Arndt Schimmelmann’s international team of sci- entists from Vietnam, Germany, and Indiana Uni- versity identified subterranean microbes in caves to voraciously consume the strong greenhouse trace gas methane from air. Cave air typically ex- changes with the atmosphere on short time scales. Methane depletion in cave air on several conti- nents indicates that the subterranean microbial sink for methane is substantial enough to warrant inclusion in global greenhouse gas modeling. In contrast, laboratory experiments at Indiana Uni- versity with strong radiation from radon isotopes excluded the possibility that elevated natural ra- dioactivity in caves can significantly contribute to oxidation of methane in air. Furthermore, Schimmelmann’s team continues to develop remediation strategies to mitigate radiation geohazards in mud-built homes in de- veloping countries (see website: http://eosvnu. net/projects/mud-built-homes/). Outreach ac- tivities in mountain villages established person- al contacts and reliable logistic support for our research. As a third collaborative research project with Vietnam National University in Hanoi, the lam- inated sediment from a volcanic maar lake in central Vietnam near Pleiku is being explored as a geological ar- chive for prehistorical monsoon strength. The record of distinct flood layers of the past can be radiocarbon-dated and may offer a reliable statistical basis to judge the effects of climate change on modern precipitation patterns in central Vietnam. Two images from sediment coring activities in a central Vietnamese maar lake. The image on the left shows our mobile coring platform where inner tubes from trucks provide flota- tion. The entire platform with anchors cost only about $150 and worked extremely well. We pulled 20 wonderful sediment cores from up to 21 m water depth with penetration into sediment of up to 3.5 meter. At one time we needed a special heavy-duty core catcher. On the right, a local machine shop in Pleiku lathed a core catcher for us from an old rusty artillery shell at a few hours notice. In Vietnam everything is possible if you know your way around. Our Vietnamese colleagues are experts in improvising. LAURA WASYLENK I Associate Professor of Geological Sciences | Biogeochemistry of Metals Laura Wasylenki was on sabbatical in 2016-17, spending seven months at Stanford Universi- ty and three months at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. She is in- vestigating mineral-fluid reactions that attenuate the migration of toxic heavy metals in soils and near-surface groundwater. At the Stanford Syn- chrotron Radiation Lightsource, she shone bright beams of X-rays onto samples of iron and manga- nese oxyhydroxide particles that she had loaded with small amounts of tungsten, a likely carcino- gen that has been widely introduced to the envi- ronment during weapons production and testing. She is studying the molecular-scale mechanisms by which adsorption to common soil particles can immobilize this toxic metal. She plans to test some of the new knowledge derived in the laboratory on a tungsten-contaminated field site in SW Indiana with new graduate student Coley Smith. In Switzerland, Wasylenki began a collaboration with an environmental micro- biology group interested in molecular-scale mechanisms of uranium immobilization. While in Switzerland, she also made time to observe with great joy plenty of steeply dip- ping Jurassic carbonates adorned with Late Holocene gla- ciers and was joined on one occasion by former student Michael Haluska, M.S. ’15. Wasylenki in the Lauterbrunnen Valley with Jungfrau in the center and Eiger on the left. hgr | 13 climate and Earth processes earth surface processes and environment Doug Edmonds, Laura Wasylenki, Brian Yanites, Chen Zhu DOUG EDMONDS Associate Professor of Geological Sciences | Sedimentology Malcom and Sylvia Boyce Chair in Geological Sciences It has been an exciting year in the Sedimentary Systems re- search group. The heart and soul of Doug’s research group are the scientists and students. That is why Doug is so pleased with the recent success of people in his group. Notably, two post-doc- toral researchers under Doug’s supervision have accepted fac- ulty positions at other universities. Dr. Alejandra Ortiz is now an assistant professor at North Carolina State University and Dr. Jon Czuba is now an assistant professor at Virginia Tech. On top of that, Dr. Rebecca Caldwell successfully defended her Ph.D. in July and will start her full-time position at Chevron in late 2017. In other news, Ph.D. student Scott David received a Dissertation Year Fellowship from Indiana University in recognition of his successes. Ph.D. student Elizabeth Olliver published her first paper in Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, and Ph.D. student Jeff Valenza was offered an internship at Chev- ron during summer 2017. M.S. student Graham Johnston accepted a full-time position with ExxonMobil starting in late 2018. M.S. student Matt Wanker just completed a month-long field season at the Judson Mead Geologic Field Sta- tion surveying gravel tracers in the Jefferson River. In addition to all these student successes Doug and his group have initiated a new and exciting project looking at floodplains in Indiana as part of research funding by the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society and the Grand Challenges project funded by IU. This past May during flood season, Doug and his group measured water discharge and sediment transport in the floodplain channels of the East Fork of White River. The floodplain channels are interesting geomorphic features that regulate the connectivity of the river and floodplain, control sedimentation patterns, and ultimately influence the biodi- versity. These data will be used to calibrate models aimed at trying to under- stand the function of these channels. Doug’s research site: http://earth.indiana.edu/edmonds/sedSystems top: Graham Johnston measures the water discharge through a floodplain channel using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. middle: Students pondering the nature of floodplain channels. bottom: Jon Czuba surveying the water line of the East Fork of the White River. 14 | hgr Study: River deltas ‘self-organize’ to withstand human and natural disturbances Quoting IU Newsroom, October 31, 2017: River delta channels that carry water, sediment and nutrients may appear to be ran- dom and arbitrary in how they are organized. But research by a team that includes an Indiana University geologist finds there is order to the complexity. The researchers, using field observations and mathematical modeling, concluded that deltas self-organize according to an “optimality principle,” creating networks of channels that increase the diversity of ways in which sediment is transported. “Channel networks are the blood vessels of a delta system, and their job is to deliver water, sediment and nutrients to the larger delta environment,” said study co-au- thor Douglas Edmonds. “We have uncovered an organizing principle that describes how these channel configure themselves to do that job.” The article, “Entropy and optimality in river deltas,” is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Edmonds is an associate professor and the Malcolm and Sylvia Boyce Chair in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences in the IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences. Other authors are at the University of California, Irvine; the Uni- versity of Nevada, Reno; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne; and the University of Padua in Italy. hgr | 15 climate and Earth processes BRIAN YANITES Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences | Geomorphology In the spring semester, Brian teamed up with 6 graduate and 3 undergraduate students in his Advance Geomorphology course to analyze river response to Typhoon Morakot in southern Taiwan using Google Earth. The typhoon caused 22,000 landslides. The students quantified how this material has impacted riv- er systems in these landscapes. The work has implications for understanding the cascade of hazards that can exist for decades following such an event. The work is currently under review for publication. In May, Brian and Ph.D. student Brigid Lynch traveled to southwestern Peru to measure rates of river ero- sion and geomorphology. The goal of the collaborative project is to tease apart tectonic and climate drivers of canyon incision along the western flank of the Andes. The IU team will combine estimates of basin-wide erosion rates from cosmogenic nuclides with river morphology metrics to calibrate a model of river incision. This model will be used to constrain the dynamics of canyon incision and ultimately help quantify when these canyons began forming. While conducting field work, the research team observed the eruption of the Sabancaya. In July, Ph.D. student Nate Mitchell attended the Tobacco Root Mountain Geologcial Society’s annual “Field Confer- ence”. Following the meeting, Nate conducted field work throughout central Idaho, measuring river morphology and rock strength in the Salmon and Clearwater watersheds. The goal of the project is to unravel how rock-type influences the rate of landscape transience. Brian’s research website: http://earth.indiana.edu/yanites/geomorphology. 16 | hgr Chachani and El Misti volcanoes loom over Arequipa, Peru’s second most populous city. NSF grant to fund IU research on how tectonic, climate processes are reshaping landscape Quoting the IU Newsroom: Indiana University Bloomington geoscience researcher Brian Yanites has been awarded a three-year, $317,663 grant from the National Science Foundation to study how tectonic and climate processes interact to shape the land- scape of southern Taiwan. The research, which includes collaboration with Taiwanese scientists, will expand scientists’ understanding of forces involved in earthquakes, floods and landslides, potential- ly improving the capacity for preventing or responding to natural disasters. Yanites said Taiwan is an ideal place to study the inter- play of tectonic and climate forces and how they shape the land. It experiences frequent earthquakes, some of them devastating, and an average of four typhoons per year. Its mountains and valleys are prone to erosion and landslides. “Everything is sort of amped up in terms of tectonics and climate,” Yanites said. “There is just so much there, and everything happens so fast.” The researchers will analyze how the landscape is changing in response to earthquakes, tectonic uplift, rainfall and floods. The work will include measuring the size and shape of river channels, determining how much sediment the rivers can carry and what will cause them to flood. Researchers will also use a process called cosmogenic nuclide analysis, which involves measuring the buildup of rare isotopes in rocks to determine how the landscape has changed in recent and geologic time. CHEN ZHU Professor of Geological Sciences Adjunct Professor, Environmental Sciences | Adjunct Professor, Environmental Health Chen is pleased with the recent successes of his students changes with time. That allowed and the publications of their papers. In June, Guanru Zhang one to calculate the quartz reac- successfully defended his dissertation on modeling the CO 2 tion rates at equilibrium. These plume development at Sleipner in Norway, the world’s first results, published in the new industrial scale carbon storage project to abate the global journal Geochemical Perspec- warming trend. His work was published in the International tive Letters, have far reaching Journal of Greenhouse Gas Technology, Energy & Fuels, and significance because it tested the International Journal of Energy Research. the range of applicability of the In July, Yilun Zhang successfully passed the qualifying exam. principle of detailed balance, After years of development, a new strain of research employing something often assumed the use of nonconventional isotopes to study reaction kinetics but not verified in many models for society’s has come to fruition. Chemists have known since 1884, via mega-environmental projects. This innovative J.H. van’t Hoff that, at equilibrium, reactions do not stop; the experimental method shows great promises rates of forward and backward reactions are equal. But how to use a number of other isotopes of Ca, Mg, can one measure rates at equilibrium when concentrations Fe in kinetics studies of carbonates, sulfides, are constant? Post-doc Zhaoyun Liu spiked a rare Si isotope and oxides. into solutions at equilibrium with quartz and observed isotope Chen’s research website: http://www.indiana.edu/~hydrogeo Zhu named a Fellow of AAAS On November 20, 2017, Chen Zhu was named a Fellow of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) for distinguished research, teaching, and service contributions to the fields of geochemistry and chemical hydrology, particularly linking theoretical concepts to field observations. hgr | 17 Energy Resources and Sustainability Economic Geology encompasses all areas in the geological sciences that pertain to the extraction or production of geologic materials for prof- it. Natural resource utilization throughout the world includes geologic materials such as met- als, non-metals, fuels, and water. Here at IU we have faculty and research scientists who are in- volved in both field/analytical and experimental studies of all of these natural resources. We have an active group investigating the genesis of me- tallic ore deposits that occur in magmatic, hydro- thermal, and sedimentary environments. Sever- al faculty and research staff are also involved in studies that relate to the genesis and localization of petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Our mineralogy and petrology program involves the study of rocks from all terrestrial and some planetary environments. We have active projects in sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks funded by NSF and NASA and sited on all 7 conti- nents and on Mars. Sedimentary geology utilizes sedimentary rocks to investigate the processes that shaped the sur- face of the early Earth and understand the his- tory of how those processes have interacted to control the Earth system. In addition to tradition- al techniques like facies analysis and provenance analysis, cutting-edge application of techniques ranging from stable isotope geochemistry to detrital zircon geochronology are leading rapid developments in what can be learned from the sedimentary record. Rainbow over the Stillwater Mining Company. This is a palladium and platinum mining company with headquarters located at Billings, Montana, United States. It is the only palladium and platinum pro- ducer in the USA. Ed Ripley’s research area. 18 | hgr mineralogy and petrology Dave Bish, Jim Brophy, Chusi Li, Ed Ripley, Juergen Schieber, Bob Wintsch DAVE BISH Professor and Haydn Murray Chair of Applied Clay Mineralogy EAS Professor David Bish was awarded a Ful- of ceramic production are represented, from un- bright US Scholar Grant (Fellowship). fired raw materials, to fired ceramics, to overfired Bish awarded a Fulbright Fellowship During the spring of 2018, Dave will spend six months in Napoli, Italy, studying cultural artifacts from Pompeii. Scientists working there recently discovered a ceramic workshop in ancient Pompeii where all stages materials. Dave will use mineralogical analyses such as X-ray diffraction, trace element analysis, and thermal analysis to interpret the sources of the raw materials and the firing conditions (tem- peratures and times). The research will be done at the University of Federico II in Napoli and the Uni- versity of Sannio in Benevento, Italy. JIM BROPHY Professor of Geological Sciences | Chair, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Jim’s primary research interests have centered His goal is to have every faculty member thrive around the chemical and physical processes during these difficult times. Not surprisingly, he involved in magmatic differentiation.  He is cur- has found little time to retreat to his lab and actu- rently in his second year as departmental chair ally get some research done, but there is always and continues to work with the College and hope for the future.  University to maintain the Department’s repu- tation in research, teaching and service. ED RIPLEY Professor of Geological Sciences | Geochemistry, Economic Geology Ed’s research interests include the genesis of He is also preparing for the 2020 International Ni- metallic ore deposits and the application of sta- Cu-PGE Symposium which will be held in Duluth, ble isotopic geochemistry to petrologic prob- MN. lems. Current research continues to focus on process- Ed is currently President of the Commission es that control the genesis of Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. on Ore Deposits in Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks Studies are in progress at the Stillwater Complex (CODMUR). (MT), the Duluth Complex (MN), The Eagle and East He presented a short course on Ni-Cu-PGE de- posits with Chusi Li at the September meeting of the Society of Economic Geologists in Sep- tember 2017 in Beijing. Eagle deposits (MI), the Tamarack deposit (MN), and several deposits in China. Our current NSF pro- posal centers on the Cu isotope variability in rocks and mineralization in the Midcontinent Rift System. hgr | 19 energy resources and sustainability BOB WINTSCH Professor of Geological Sciences | Metamorphic Petrology, Structural Petrology, Tectonics, Geochronology The more seasoned (mature?) I get, the more This fall I am teaching a field course where we will busy I also seem to get. In spite of my years participate in the New England Intercollegiate Geo- of service, I do not seem to have atrophied in logical Conference (New Hampshire-Maine border). situ. On the contrary, I am having a very busy Then I have accepted an invitation to China for field year. I taught my usual introduction to petrolo- work in hard rock tectonics – around Beijing and in gy class, G222 in the spring, and led a field trip the southwest along the Red River shear zone that across the Appalachians as far as Providence accommodated the extrusion of Indochina following RI in May. the collision of India with Southern Asia. From there I I then did more fieldwork in New England in the will go to South Korea to accept another invitation to summer, on either side of being invited to the University of Utrecht to work in the rock mechanics lab of Chris Spiers. Two weeks of great experiences. Jody joined me after that and we did a little touring including a climb to the highest point in the Netherlands – a church tower. We also visited museums in Holland and Belgium including the Van Gough, but also sever- al battlefields, Napoleon’s Waterloo, and 1st and 2nd WW battle- use their SHRIMP to date detrital zircons from high- grade quartzites suspected to be Silurian. I will return to Bloomington, just barely miss Thanksgiving, but with this schedule I have opted not to attend either the GSA or the AGU. I am sure to need a little home time and a little rest. Wishing you all the best for the New Year! Bob fields. Belgium really got beaten up, but had nothing to do with starting any of those wars! Images from G420, a regional tectonic field course across the Appalachians from central Pennsylvania to Boston crossing many suspect terranes. Emphasis was placed on interpreting the rock record. 20 | hgr sedimentary geology | stratigraphy Simon Brassell, Doug Edmonds, Lisa Pratt, Juergen Schieber, Bob Wintsch JUERGEN SCHIEBER Professor of Geological Sciences | Sedimentary Geology The past year has seen the completion of our latest we do even supports innovative inter- flume (see below), a facility that can mimic orbital flow pretations of mudstones found on Mars (wave action), tidal current regimes, and high shear (as part of the Mars Science Lab mis- stress situations. With its completion the flume lab has sion). Current graduate students and now four flumes that can experimentally explore every academic visitors work on a range of flow condition, chemistry, and flow regime that one projects, including field studies, flume might encounter on the continental shelf and in deep research, and petrographic investiga- sea environments. Because we additionally have the tions. The research conducted at the technical know-how to preserve and then petrograph- lab is sought after by industry and val- ically study flume produced sediments and compare ued in academia as demonstrated by them to the rock record, this is a unique research facility requests for short courses (see below) for shale studies that has no equivalent elsewhere in the and symposia at the national (AAPG in Houston) and world. The lab continues to conduct research on shale international level (University of Vienna; China Univer- sedimentology that is well received and published in a sity of Petroleum). variety of geoscience journals (ca. 7000 citations for Juergen’s research site: http://www.shale-mud- the lab and its various activities). Some of the research The wave and tide flume in the 5th floor flume lab. It is a unique facility with sophisticated electronic controls that allow us to program entire experiments so that they can be repeated identically as specific variables are modified to explore parameter space. stone-research-schieber.indiana.edu As part of an appointment as a Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna (Summer 2016), I taught our Shale Short Course to geo- science students and geologists from OMV, the national oil company of Austria. hgr | 21 energy resources and sustainability Indiana Geological and Water Survery NAME CHANGE REFLECTS NEW CAPABILITIES Our Department isn’t the only one in the Geology Building that has a new name. The long-standing “Indi- ana Geological Survey” has made way for the “Indiana Geological and Water Survey,” reflecting the Survey’s expanded efforts in the study and dissemination of information about the quality and quantity of Indiana’s surface- and groundwater. “I think it’s no surprise to anyone who follows the news that water is a growing issue in the 21st century.” “I think it’s no surprise to anyone who follows the news that water is a growing issue in the 21st century,” said Survey Director Todd Thompson. “As a midwestern state, we assume that sufficient water exists for hu- man and livestock consumption, agriculture, and business uses. Howev- er, we have a limited inventory of the quantity, and even less knowledge of the quality, of this important resource. At the Indiana Geological and Water Survey, we hope to more accurately define water resources statewide.” The name change was codified in Indiana Senate Bill 416, which took effect on July 1, 2017. ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY A new study conservatively estimates that the Survey has an annual economic impact of $110.4 million on the state of Indiana. Conducted by Capstone Class 7933 in IU’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs as their class project, the study cites the Survey’s online tools such as IndianaMap and the Petroleum Data Man- agement System at nearly $25 million alone. The value of projects that would never be completed without the IGWS’s freely available or low-cost data is listed at more than $56 million annually. The study surveyed users of IGWS information and implemented the input-output model IMPLAN as part of their methodology. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES The Indiana Geological and Water Survey is reaching more Hoosiers than ever before with an increased effort on outreach programs for the general public. From the well-known Quake Cottage program to partnerships with Indiana State Parks, more than 10,000 Hoosiers participated in IGS outreach activities in 2016. New ad- ditions in 2017, including scouting workshops, library programs, quarry tours, and Master Naturalist courses, have reached another 9,750 people by the end of September 2017. Polly Sturgeon, the Survey’s Outreach Co- ordinator, has also promoted new lesson plans, StoryMaps, and social media campaigns to increase aware- ness of Indiana geology around the state. NEW STAFF In the past year, a number of new employees have joined the Survey: José Luis Antinao, Ph.D., Research Geologist (surficial); Alyssa Bancroft, Ph.D., Research Geologist (stra- tigraphy); Shalom Drummond, Admin. Support Team Member; Lee Florea, Ph.D., Assistant Director for Research; Eric Gamble, Research Geologist (hydrogeology); Megan Harris, Program Coordinator; Jennifer Lanman, Archives and Collections Manager; Clayton McGuire, System Analyst/Programmer/Web Design- er; Gary Motz, Assistant Director for Information Services; Brandon Phillips, Internal Projects Coordinator; and Don Tripp, Program Coordinator. IGWS website: https://igws.indiana.edu/index.cfm 22 | hgr Jose Luis Antinao Alyssa Bancroft Shalom Drummond Lee Florea Eric Gamble Megan Harris Jenna Lanman Clayton McGuire Gary Motz Brandon Phillips Don Tripp hgr | 23 Origin and Evolution of Life These disciplines investigate the interactions be- tween life and environments throughout Earth’s histo- ry. Principles of paleontology form the foundation that bridges geologic, biologic, chemical, and anthropolog- ic sciences. Geobiology relies on analysis of fossils in their geo- logic, and thus historical and environmental contexts to test hypotheses about the history of life. Geoarchaeology and geoanthropology focus on the spatial, temporal, and environmental context of hu- mans in the most recent phases of Earth history. The IU Paleontology Collection, which contains more than 1.3 million fossil specimens, offers special oppor- tunities for specimen-based research, teaching, and outreach. 24 | hgr geobiology, geoarchaeology, paleontology Ed Herrmann, Claudia Johnson, Jackson Njau, David Polly ED HERRMANN Research Scientist | Geoarchaeology Ed’s geoarchaeological research is naturally interdisci- plinary. Although his work is focused on archaeological questions, he incorporates datasets from a number of geologic fields such as geomorphology, sedimentology, pedology, cartography, paleontology, geophysics, and river basin research. These fields are important compo- nents of understanding the chronology and preservation potential for archaeological sites at various time scales. Geoarchaeology is a rapidly growing subfield of geolog- ical and archaeological sciences. The multidisciplinary field addresses archaeological questions by incorpo- rating geological principles and methods into research design. Geoarchaeologists study sediments, soils, geo- physical techniques, stone tools and lithic sources, pa- leoenvironments, and archaeological site taphonomy. In the past year, Ed has worked to decipher the stratigra- phy and chronology of archaeological sites in Montana, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and in the cradle of humanity: Old- uvai Gorge, Tanzania. Geoarchaeological work at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania Along with Jackson Njau and EAS re- search affiliates Nick Toth and Kathy Schick of the Stone Age Institute, Ed is working on the Olduvai Project which studies millions of years of stratigra- phy using deep coring methods that provide data related to the paleoen- vironments within which some of our oldest ancestors lived. These data can also provide an understanding of lake levels and positions, volcanic activity, and local and regional geomorphology. Geoarchaeological methods are also being used at Old- uvai to understand the distribution and sources of stone raw material used by our earliest human ancestors, and where yet undiscovered sites may be hidden. Many EAS faculty members and students are actively participating in the Olduvai Project and field school. Left: Field school with Crow students under the recently discovered Grapevine Creek Buf- falo Jump. Note colluvium beneath cliff. Middle: Bison bone bed preserved under col- luvium at Grapevine Creek Buffalo Jump on the Crow Reservation. Right: Ed (far right) lectures to workshop visitors at the HEB site, Olduvai Gorge, Tan- zania. hgr | 25 origin and evolution of life CLAUDIA C. JOHNSON Associate Professor of Geological Sciences | Geobiology Claudia’s research in evolutionary paleoecology takes her and students to the Caribbean where they in- vestigate the composition of ancient reefs and the health of corals’ modern counterparts. Data on coral species, disease, depth, temperature and geographic location are folded into a database investigated first for associations, and then for causal relationships emerging from data-driven hypotheses. Rudist bivalves, the Cretaceous reef builders of the Caribbean, are back in the forefront of research with new methods of addressing classification and phylogeny. On the other side of the world and far up from the Cretaceous in the geologic column are investigations into Tanzania’s Pleistocene fossils that disclose their riverine affinities, and rocks that reveal their fluvial and volcanic histories from exposures and cores extracted from Olduvai Gorge. Closer to home and back down the geologic column are class field trips for students to learn field meth- ods of measuring stratigraphic sections, and collecting fossils for laboratory processing of fossil identifi- cations and paleoecologic analyses. Claudia’s Geology of Invertebrates Lab website: http://earth.indiana.edu/claudia/invertebrates/index.html Above: Students in the G411 Invertebrate Paleontology class measure section and col- lect fossils at the Upper Dillsboro Formation, Upper Ordovician, Madison, Indiana in September 2017. Above and opposite: Student divers learning to take com- pass orientations and written notations on coral species, all while maintaining neutral buoyancy. Students are members of the K492 and K550 Research in Underwater Science course led by Professor Charles Beeker, with guest participation by Claudia who teaches coral iden- tifications and coral reef ecology. Photos of cannon and anchor are from the 1724 Guadalupe Underwater Archaeological Preserve in the Dominican Re- public. 26 | hgr hgr | 27 origin and evolution of life JACKSON K. NJAU Assistant Professor | Paleoanthropology Research Associate, The Stone Age Institute and the Center for Research into the Anthropological Foundations of Technology (CRAFT), Bloomington, Indiana. Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University FROM CORE TO OUTCROP: TANZANIA PROJECT The drilling program for scientific research that was carried out at Olduvai archaeological site in Tanza- nia by the Olduvai Gorge Coring Project (OGCP) has yielded about 600 m of continuous core obtained from ancient lakebeds. The core constitutes approximately 30 % of all cores from East African paleolake and hominin sites (including Kenya and Ethiopia). OGCP was developed in 2013 by Jackson Njau, Kathy Schick and Nick Toth (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and The Stone Age Institute) with the goal of obtaining high-quality cores, which are vital for the investigation of past climates and environments in which early humans evolved. Along with parallel active and passive seismic studies conducted in the area in collaboration with the King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) scientists, we have built a strong interdisciplinary research program bridging paleoanthropology and Earth sciences, making OGCP one of the top drilling projects in Eastern Africa hominin sites. To date, twenty-seven scientists from eight different countries and 14 labs (including IU) have been working on the project, focusing on different aspects of the overall research including: sedimentology, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), argon-argon and paleomagnetic dating, tephrastratigraphy, soil carbonate isotope ratios, phytoliths, pollen, diatoms, ostracods, organic geochemistry, pale- ontology, archaeology, geophysics, and seismology. We are beginning to get exciting results from core analyses revealing an unprecedented record of past environments that might have influenced human evolution in the East African rift valley. Although the link between environmental changes and human evolution faces many challenges, this research is changing longstanding views of early homi- nin paleoenvironments at Olduvai, and offers new perspectives for reconstructing paleolandscapes and a holistic understanding of hominin land use behaviors, climate history and basin evolution. The core record, which shows the influxes of mudflows and vol- canic materials (from the ad- jacent Ngorongoro volcanoes) and the unparalleled large, deep and long-lived lake, sug- gests that both climate mod- ulated environmental change and tectonic activities altered the lake configuration and shaped paleogeography and hominin adaptations through time. This ground-breaking research is providing mod- ern methods that address our species’ humble beginnings, and help us answer questions about our origins. 28 | hgr FIELDWORK IN OLDUVAI GORGE After successful completion of the project’s phase I drilling (2014), phase II seismic experiments (2015- 2017), and phase III, core sampling at the NSF-funded National Lacus- trine Core facility at the University of Minnesota (2015-2017), OGCP is now in phase IV of its research program. Our goal here is to tie the core stratigraphy to outcrop in or- der to examine whether times of significant environmental change correspond to times of significant technological or biological change (observed in outcrop-derived fos- sils and artifacts) during Bed I (~2 Ma), Lower Bed II–Upper Bed II transition (~1.7 Ma), Bed III during the Pleistocene Revolution (~1 Ma), and Masek Beds (~0.4 Ma). We be- gan this exercise by correlating the volcanic ash layers and paleoenvi- ronmental proxies archived in cores to the archaeological-bearing units in the outcrop. To this end, a series of excavations was initiated at Old- uvai Gorge in the summers of 2016 and 2017 in order to expose fresh sections and recover more fossils and stone artifact data. The excava- tions targeted geological intervals and sites that document key evo- lutionary landmarks in the history of our ancestors such as the transi- tion from Homo habilis to H. erectus and subsequently to anatomically modern H. sapiens, the extinction of early Homo and Australopithe- cine hominins, and the first human migration out of Africa. hgr | 29 origin and evolution of life DAVID POLLY Professor, Geological Sciences Adjunct Professor, Departments of Biology and Anthropology | Director, Center for Biological Research Collections Research Curator, IU Paleontology Collection | Affiliate Member, Integrated Program in the Environment Research Associate, Department of Zoology, The Field Museum, Chicago | Shrock Professor of Sedimentary Geology There has been a productive turnover in David worked on dinosaur faunas from Antarctica for Polly’s group in 2017. Wesley Vermillion finished his undergraduate thesis at Eastern Washing- his Master’s thesis on the effects of glacial-inter- ton University, and Anne Longar, who measured glacial cycles on evolutionary differentiation and post-glacial differentiation in rodents using 3D geographic distributions of painted turtles. Mi- microCT scan data at University of Minnesota, chael Smith finished his Ph.D. on the effects of both joined our graduate program in the fall of physiography on the distributions of mammals in 2017. North America, demonstrating that topographic David himself is working on faunal changes and and geological features contribute to continuity in faunas despite turnover between glacial and interglacial communities. And Blaire Hensley-Marschand completed her Ph.D. on the Early Pleistocene mammalian faunas of the Nihewan Basin in China, disproving the idea that climates in north eastern Eurasia were harsher than in Africa because of global cooling during the Quaternary. Ely Ricardo, who adaptation of mammalian communities during the Neogene to derive new proxies for paleoen- vironments and to develop new ways of mea- suring rates of adaptation, community restruc- turing, and extinction relative to global-scale changes in climate and environment. The focus of this research has been Miocene Great Plains environments as they transformed from forest- ed riparian landscapes to open grasslands as a result of global changes in atmospheric circula- tion and regional changes driven by tectonic up- lift in western North America. This research is closely linked to IU’s new Prepared for Environ- mental Change Grand Challenge initiative, which will create two new faculty positions and several postdoctoral opportunities in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. David is serv- ing as Associate Director of this initiative. Lower jaw of Aelurodon mcgrewi, an extinct mem- ber of the dog family from the early Miocene of Nebraska. Polly Lab website: http://mypage.iu.edu/~pdpolly/ 30 | hgr In August 2017, David was invited to speak about the mathematical and conceptual challenges of quantifying evolutionary change at a com- memorative conference at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosi- birsk on the long-term genetic experiment con- ducted there on domestication of foxes, which uncovered a suite of unexpected correlations between behavior and morphology. David is also serving as the current President of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, which is concerned among other things with the protec- tion of vertebrate paleontological resources. With the Society, David helped advocated suc- cessfully for the establishment of Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah in December, 2016. Bears Ears became one of several national monuments that protect ver- David Polly holding a domesticated fox at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk.The fox domestication experiment showed that features like behavior, tail shape, ear shape, and coat color are genetically linked and occur in parallel with the suite of features that distinguish domestic dogs from their wolf ancestors, a find- ing that is consistent with correlated patterns evolution observed in the fossil record. tebrate fossil sites and provide funding for field research.  One of the most important of the pa- leontology-focused monuments is Grand Stair- case-Escalante, also in southern Utah, which has produced an incredible range of Mesozoic research since it was created in 1996 that has revolutionized our understanding of Late Creta- ceous ecosystems. Two major monographs on Grand Staircase paleontology have been pub- lished by IU Press.  In December 2017, the White House announced that it would reduce the boundaries of both monuments, thus removing literally hundreds of scientifically important paleo localities from the protection and the funding associated with monument status.  The Society, along with part- ner organizations, has filed lawsuits to reverse this decision because of its impact on science.   Read a recent article in Science about these lawsuits Map of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah summa- rizing its vertebrate paleontological resources. The Kaiparowits Plateau region contains one of the most scientifically important records of the Late Cretaceous in the world. hgr | 31 origin and evolution of life GARY MOTZ Assistant Director for Information Services, IGWS Each year, the Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) publishes a wall calendar that is sought by many for its visual appeal and quality photographs. The 2018 calendar is a special collaboration between the IGWS and the Indiana University Paleontology Collection, housed here in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. The Fossil CalendAR is an augmented reality (AR) experience for discovering the fossil record of Indiana. Users can explore 3-D models of fossils from the IU Paleo Collection using the Fossil CalendAR app in conjunction with the 2018 Fossil CalendAR poster (available from the Book- store link at http://go.iu.edu/calendAR). new technology - augmented reality Here’s a treat! As a special preview for the readers of this Hoo- sier Geological Record, the image of the fossil ma- rine invertebrates on the following page will also display the AR (augmented reality) content deliv- ered by the Fossil CalendAR app. To use the augmented reality feature, download the Fossil CalendAR app (it’s avaliable on Apple Store and Google Play) to your smart phone or tablet, bring up the camera and, once the camera loads, point it at the fossil page (right) and center on all three fossil images. You’ll soon be presented with an artistic rendering of marine life as it would have appeared in southern Indiana during the Ordovician. Use the arrows to navigate to the left and right and browse the 3D models produced of these former Indiana residents which are now in the Indiana University Paleontology Collection. This app was developed by Gary Motz, our recently departed Paleontology Collections Man- ager, now the Assistant Director for Information Services for the Indiana Geological and Wa- ter Survey. Gary is still very active in the digitization of the Paleontology Collection to pro- mote broad accessibility and discoverability of this treasured resource. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. 32 | hgr Line = 1 centimeter hgr | 33 origin and evolution of life The 1.3 million fossils in the Indiana University Paleontology Collection are once again part of the department’s research activity after a seven-year program to reorganize, inventory, and rehouse them. The Collection is a public trust research repository operated by the department that docu- ments past research projects and serves as a resource for new synthetic research on stratigraphy, paleoecology, evolution, and the biotic component of Earth system change. The IU Paleontology Collection Following a successful unveiling of the IU Paleontology Collections during our Open House on April 30, 2016, physical improvements to our collections space and movement toward 3-D digitization of fossils continued under the curatorial expertise of our former Col- lections Manager, Gary Motz. Numerous undergraduate and graduate students from several disciplines gained ac- ademic and managerial experience under Gary’s tutelage. Recently, Gary accepted a position as Chief Information Officer and Assistant Director for Information Services in the Indiana Geological and Water Survey, and fortunately we will continue to collaborate with Gary in his new position. We thank Gary heartily for bringing our collections into the forefront of the 21st century through his continued focus and dedication toward the goal of research access to fossil specimens. President McRobbie visited our newly renovated IU Paleontology Collections space in April of 2017, and was hosted to a viewing and discussion of our research-focused repository of fossil specimens from Indiana and around the world. Our IU Paleontology Collections were founded in 1903 by IU geologist E.R. Cumings, and now contain more than 1.3 million fossils that document life on Earth for more than 500 million years. Soon after visiting our Collec- tions, President McRobbie initiated a Collections Summit during which he shared his remarks about IU’s material object collections across all campuses, hosted an open discussion regarding policy issues inclusive of mission, digitization, exhibition, accession, deaccession and staffing, and welcomed invited par- ticipants’ responses to develop a collective vision for IU’s material object collections as part of IU’s Bicentennial activities and cele- brations. We can gently boast that our IU Paleontology Collections are ahead of the curve relative to other IU collections holdings, and we look forward to in-depth participation in this collaborative Bi- centennial effort. We in Geobiology mourn the loss of our close colleagues, Professor Emeritus Donald Hattin and Professor Emeritus Erle G. Kauffman, both of whom added immeasurable pearls of wisdom to our profes- sional lives. Stories of field collections and early international trav- els were conveyed to us with great exuberance, and certainly were embellished - at least a tad - each time they were told to enhance color and effect. Our IU Paleontology Collections were enhanced recently by the addition of shallow-water coral and mollusc specimens from the Stoter Collection, formerly in off-site storage but now a central, visible part of the beauty of our fossils. Students in the G341 Natural History of Coral Reefs course participated enthusiastically in the unpacking of these treasures. 34 | hgr “ Soon after visiting our Collections, President McRobbie initiated a Collec- tions Summit during which he shared his remarks about IU’s material ob- ject collections across all campuses, hosted an open discussion regarding policy issues inclusive of mission, dig- itization, exhibition, accession, deac- cession and staffing, and welcomed invited participants’ responses to de- velop a collective vision for IU’s mate- rial object collections as part of IU’s Bicentennial activities and celebra- tions. Probing questions about our daily research and teach- ing activities were always welcome. We now treasure these “good ol’ days” of interactions and hope we are developing our own stories, to be passed along to fu- ture generations with fossil specimens in our Collec- tions. The N. Gary Lane Paleontology Collection Fund cam- paign, launched at the inaugural Open House, provides the financial resources needed to manage, curate, and preserve the IU Paleontology Collections in perpetuity. We invite you to contribute to this fund, and to visit our Collections, either in person, or virtually through access- ing this website, the Paleocollection Visualization Lab: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=4FXijnxaBcJ Collection Personnel Claudia Johnson (Faculty Research Curator) phone: 812-855-0646 e-mail: claudia@indiana.edu David Polly (Faculty Research Curator) phone: 812-855-7994 e-mail: pdpolly@indiana.edu Jackson Njau (Faculty Research Curator) phone: 812-856-3170 email: jknjau@indiana.edu Collection Location Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Indiana University 1001 E. 10th St. Room GY518 Bloomington, IN 47405 IU Paleontology Collection website: http:/go.iu.edu/1cHc hgr | 35 Solid Earth Dynamics Critical to our understanding the Earth is knowledge of the physical processes that shape the Earth’s formation, evolution, and present-day dynamics. The combination of state-of-the-art geophysical in- strumentation and advanced computational capabilities makes it possible to observe and quantitatively model complex geological systems in ways that were previously unimaginable. Research applications of these geophysical methods include global tectonics, earthquake seismology, volcanology, structural ge- ology, tectonic geomorphology, and environmental and exploration geophysics. Advances in quantitative geochronology, thermochronology, and petrology have expanded the scope for interdisciplinary investi- gation of deep Earth and surface processes involved in crustal deformation, sedimentary basin formation, magmatism, landscape evolution, and natural hazard mitigation.  36 | hgr geophysics, structural geology, tectonics Bruce Douglas, Michael Hamburger, Kaj Johnson, Gary Pavlis, Bob Wintsch, Brian Yanites MICHAEL HAMBURGER Professor of Geological Sciences | Geophysics, Seismology, and Tectonics EAS faculty member Michael Hamburger collabo- rates with artist James Nakagawa for a prestigious art exhibit. Here’s an honor that you might not expect for an the devastation but to contemplate the lives IU geologist: invited participation in an international of those who vanished on that day in March. art exhibition. As part of an unusual collaboration However, he found himself unsure of what to between artists and scientists, EAS Professor Mi- do with the photographs he had taken. chael Hamburger collaborated with IU Professor As part of this unique collaboration between of Fine Arts Osamu James Nakagawa to document the devastating impact of a major natural disaster — the magnitude 9.0 Tohoku (Japan) earthquake and tsunami. Their artistic collaboration, which they refer to as “Seismophotography,” was part of the IU’s Grunwald Gallery exhibition, “Imag(in)ing Science,” in 2013. Several pieces from that exhibition were ac- cepted for a prestigious international photographic exhibition. The Noorderlicht Photofestival, based in Groningen, Netherlands opened in October of 2017, and featured six of the pieces created by Nakagawa and Hamburger for the exhibition. artist and Earth scientist, Michael Hamburger modified the photographs using a number of traditional recording techniques that have been used by seismologists for over a century: smoke-paper and ink-pen recording of current seismic activity on rotating seismograph drums.  They also experimented with man- ual tracing of specialized engineering recordings from “strong-motion seismographs” positioned close to the location of the photographic images. These techniques produced a new medium, “seismophotography”: images that bring together photographic and seismological im- pressions of dynamic Earth activity. The combination of Photographer Osamu James Nakagawa returned to seismographic data and photographic images produce a his native Japan in the aftermath of the “3.11 disaster” mysterious, evocative, and sometimes powerful impression and collected striking images of damage incurred of the impacts of Earth activity on human agency and by the earthquake and tsunami. Nakagawa turned the ways in which we strive to understand and respond his camera to the sea, a place where tragedy now to them. found itself embedded in the silent landscape marred The images were on display at the Noordelicht Photofes- with debris, a bridge between life and death. In these images, his intention was not to merely document tival In November 2017. Left: collaborative seismophotograpic imagery from geophysicist Michael Hamburger and artist James Nakagawa for an exhibition in the Netherlands. hgr | 37 solid Earth dynamics EAS Research Contributes to USGS Earthquake Information System One of the most challenging aspects of earthquake haz- ard mitigation is predicting the nature and distribution of the complex array of secondary effects triggered by major earthquakes. ners, and concerned citizens. The model should contribute to mitigation of the deadly effects of earthquake-triggered landslides. Eventually, the collaborators plan to develop a “stoplight” system that will provide preliminary indications of the likelihood of fatalities and economic impacts of earth- To address that research gap, Michael Hamburger and quake-induced landslides within minutes after an earth- his students are collaborating with scientists from the quake. US Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Informa- tion Center in Golden, Colorado on a study of a partic- ularly deadly secondary effect of earthquakes: land- slides. The collaborative research promises to provide useful information on landslides triggered by earth- quakes within minutes of the occurrence of a major temblor. The collaborative research program grew out of EAS grad student Anna Jessee’s summer internship with the USGS five years ago. Since her internship with the USGS, Anna has focused much of her Ph.D. research on development of a new global model to assess the likelihood of landslides in the aftermath of a significant earthquake. Anna’s global landslide model offers the USGS — for the first time — the ability to predict wheth- er, and where, landslides are likely to occur in the after- Anna Jessee defended her Ph.D. dissertation in September math of significant earthquakes. Anna’s model, now 2017, and will remain at IU for the next year as a post-doc- being implemented and displayed on the USGS earth- toral research associate, where she will continue to collabo- quake website, will provide near-real time information rate with USGS on further development of the model. to government officials, emergency responders, plan- 38 | hgr The report pointed to opportunities for U.S. and Vietnamese coop- Thirteen IU Bloomington students spent the spring 2017 semester eration in economic development and highlighted risks if Vietnam learning all they could about the production and consumption of en- increases its reliance on fossil fuels. In addition to public health ergy in Vietnam in an innovative new Earth and Atmospheric Sciences problems associated with burning coal, Vietnam’s long and low-lying course titled “Environmental and Energy Diplomacy.” The course was coastline makes it one of the most vulnerable nations to climate more than an academic exercise for the graduate and undergraduate change and sea-level rise. In addition, students identified devel- students attending the class. opment opportunities in both the fossil-fuel and renewable energy EAS Students Advise the Ambassador to Vietnam on Energy Policy sectors. Students helped develop and present a key recommen- dation, involving incentives to help U.S. companies develop solar energy for use in the important Vietnamese textile and garment industries. Part of IU’s contribution to the U.S. State Department’s “Diplomacy The course also required some flexibility, because transition in Lab” program, the course enabled students to analyze energy-related the U.S. government suggested changes in emphasis. Embassy issues and produce a report on policy challenges and opportunities employees had been working on the assumption the U.S. would for the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi. Students capped the semester by be part of the Trans Pacific Partnership, for example, but President briefing Ted Osius, the U.S. ambassador to Vietnam, on their findings. Donald Trump jettisoned the deal. Diplomacy Lab is a new outreach program, developed by former Sec- During the semester, students and instructors kept in touch with retary of State John Kerry, in which the State Department can “course- embassy staff through email and video conversations. When the source” research and innovation related to global policy challenges. report was done, Heather Rogers, deputy counselor for economic EAS Professor Michael Hamburger learned about the newly developing affairs at the Embassy, arranged for students to brief the ambassador program when he spent the 2015-16 academic year working with the on their findings. The briefing took place via video bridge from the State Department as a Jefferson Science Fellow and helped initiate Gill Conference Room in IU’s Multidisciplinary Science Building II. the program on the IU-Bloomington campus. The course was one of 11 IUB courses developed as part of the new program. Enegy issues played a prominent role at the 2017 Asia-Pacif- ic Economic Council (APEC). Participants in the class got a real Universities “bid” on topics posted by the department, which selects sense that the U.S. Embassy is seriously interested in taking our the best proposals. IU Bloomington was awarded the Vietnam energy proposals and actually trying to turn them into policy. Either way, policy course in the fall of 2016. Hamburger collaborated with John the class offered IU students an extraordi­nary opportunity to take Rupp, Indiana Geological and Water Survey senior research scientist, their academic learning and turn it into practical, real-world policy to teach the course with help from other IU faculty experts, including initiatives. our own Professor Chanh Kieu, who originally hails from Vietnam. Energy production and consumption are critical issues in Vietnam. The country’s economy is growing rapidly, creating increased demand for energy. Policymakers face decisions about whether to expand the country’s fossil-fuel and hydroelectric resources or to import more energy. Vietnam ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change, creating an incentive to reduce emissions and move away from relying on coal. The country’s tense relations with China and other neighbors and its partial transition from a state-controlled to a market economy create further complications. The IU class, which included seven graduate students and six under- graduates — about half of whom were EAS students — examined the issues from economic, geopolitical, and public health and environ- mental perspectives and produced a 25-page report of analysis and policy recommendations. Students in the EAS “Environmental and Energy Diplomacy” course brief Ted Osius, the U.S. ambassador to Vietnam, on energy policy. hgr | 39 solid Earth dynamics KAJ JOHNSON Associate Professor of Geological Sciences Kaj is a geophysicist who works primarily with geodetic data and numerical and an- alytical modeling to investigate active de- GARY PAVLIS Professor of Geological Sciences | Geophysics, Seismology, and Tectonics formation of the lithosphere. In particular, Although Gary Pavlis is plan- he studies how deformation within plate ning to retire from teaching in boundary zones is accommodated by fault- summer 2018, he continues ing and folding in the crust and viscous flow an active research program. in the lower crust and upper mantle. Over the past 20 years Pav- lis and students have been working on elements of the BRUCE DOUGLAS Senior Lecturer | Structural Geology Director, IU Judson Mead Geologic Field Station technology for seismic imag- ing of the deep interior. They have developed a novel form Bruce Douglas continues to work with col- of imaging adapted from 3D migration methods used in leagues from UNAVCO and other academic the petroleum industry. The method migrates scattered institutions including Mt. San Antonio Col- P to S conversions produced by teleseismic P waves to lege and Idaho State University to develop produce an image of P to S scattering strength in true teaching resources that involve various geometry and with true relative amplitudes. The result types of geodetic data (e.g. airborne and is a 3D volume that is handled much like modern 3D terrestrial LiDAR, InSAR, GRACE gravity, seismic reflection data. In fact, their most recent work GPS). These resources will ultimately be has made extensive us of the seismic interpretation el- added to the Geodesy Tools for Societal Is- ements the Petrel package made possible through a re- sues (GETSI) teaching resources package cent software grant from Schlumberger. supported by three NSF grants and hosted by the SERC web- Profoundly new results have proven possible due to site. The GETSI collaboration was an outgrowth of the incor- deployment of large array experiments like the Earth- poration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) into the concen- scope Transportable Array (TA) and the OIINK project. tration week within course G429g. Recent work by Ph.D. student Yinzhi (Ian) Wang using The UNAVCO connection also has led to the use of Post-Pro- data from the TA has produced images of the transition cessing Kinematic (PPK) GPS data collection and analysis for zone he showed in a recent paper are diffraction limited, two M.S. projects undertaken in SW Montana under Bruce’s which means they are the highest resolution possible supervision. Donald Tripp and Kirstyn Cataldo are both work- from these data. His work promises to greatly change ing on M.S. degrees that address the displacement history for understanding of the area of the mantle called the tran- active normal faults that are found in the region north of the sition zone. His Ph.D. work revealed two new insights on Field Station. A third M.S. student, Ciara Mills recently com- the transition zone. pleted her degree analyzing the mechanics of the Carmichael Fault that runs just south of the Field Station. 40 | hgr a. b. Depth (km) 440 435 Depth (km) 680 675 420 660 405 645 390 630 380 620 c. First, he found seismic discontinuities that bound the transition zone, commonly attributed to phase chang- es of olivine at depths of around 410 and 660 km, are d. Covariance 1.00 Covariance 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 rough at every scale we can resolve. The figure to the right from his paper shows this graphically. The second figure, from a paper in review, argues that the transition zone is full of small-scale, low-velocity heterogeneities Inferred roughness of the mantle 410 and 660 discontinuities. (a) and (b) show picked depth to 410 and 660 discontinuities respectively. (c) and (d) are related maps showing a measure of roughness defined in the paper by Wang and Pavlis (2016). attributed to hydrous phases trapped in the transition zone. This has broad implications for Earth’s history and the origin of water on the planet. A second important recent result with this technology was published recently by Ph.D. student Xiaotao Yang who completed his Ph.D. in fall 2016. He used the plane wave migration method to image the Moho under the area covered by the OIINK experiment (see 2016 HGR section by Hamburger). A major discovery from Yang’s paper was the inference of surprisingly thick crust un- der central Illinois and a remarkable step in the Moho along a trend parallel to the Mississippi River south of St. Louis. The existence of mountainless roots under the Illinois Basin is a puzzle we will be working on for years to come. Moho geometry inferred from P to S conversion imaging in the cen- tral US by Yang et al. (2017). (a) was produced from the OIINK data and (b) was produced from the Earthscope Transportable Array (TA) data. The dashed box in (b) is the map area of (a). (a) is a higher reso- lution image made possible by the higher station density of the OIINK experiment compared to the TA. hgr | 41 Field Geoscience Judson Mead Geologic Field Station The Judson Mead Geologic Field Station continues to thrive with increasing diversity of students, faculty involvement and national recognition. COURSES AND FACULTY The past year has seen a number of small but important changes in the curriculum offered at the Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. In efforts to keep the G429 program at the leading edge of field programs, a number of additions and revisions to the different exercises that comprise the curriculum have taken place. The concentration options have been expanded to include crystalline rocks and economic geology, geophysics and neotectonics, hydrology and environmental geology, and sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy. Each concentra- tion has been augmented with new data sets and equipment, including chemical and isotopic analyses, use of petrographic taught by Jess King and a former G429 student who returns to the IUGFS to co-teach this course. In 2017 we had Andy Barth from IUPUI, following his alternate-year scheduling pattern of teaching a small group of students from the IUPUI program. The Field Station also hosted an advanced graduate seminar for the second time. Students were brought in from across the country to take part in the The Paleontologial Society Field Course on Stratigraphic Paleobiology led by Dr. Mark Patzkowsky (Penn State University) and Dr. Steve Holland (Univer- sity of Georgia). They returned to continue their studies of the Mississippian carbonate sequences found in Miligan Canyon, the same location that the G429s concentration has been working. The two efforts have been complementary and are producing exciting results. observations, and paleontologic data. The subsurface correla- tion exercise was extensively revised based on the feedback we received after its introduction in 2016; in 2017 the exercise went smoothly, and successfully allowed the students to rec- ognize patterns in the subsurface that matched those they had observed in their field observations with respect to the history of Belt Island. A new graduate field seminar was offered in summer 2017, G700 3-D Structural Analysis. The seminar is open to students from across the country and combines field work with the development of a digital 3-D model of the J-Fold, a long-standing field area for G429. A stable and highly functional faculty has emerged that includes Drs. Bruce Douglas (IU), Erika Elswick (IU), Jim Handschy (IU), Candace Karies-Beaty (Winona State), Page Quinton (SUNY Potsdam), and Mike Rygel (SUNY Potsdam). We have also had the good fortune to have Dr. Jess King (Hong Kong University) join the crystaline concentration to provide her expertise to the teaching efforts. OTHER ACADEMIC USERS Other academic users of the Field Station include Hong Kong University who returned for a third year and agreed to con- tinue the arrangement for the indefinite future. The course is 42 | hgr Watch a video “Extraordinary Moments: From Bloomington to Big Sky Country,” filmed at the IU Geologic Field Station this summer by Ven- ture Production Group for the College of Arts + Sciences Magazine. https://magazine.college.indiana.edu/issues/ fall-2017/articles/stone-fixed-moment.html RESEARCH In addition to serving as a base for teaching, the Field Station continues to act as a base and logistical hub for research. One M.S. thesis has been completed, and three other projects are ongoing all within the past three years. Field work was undertaken by Kirstyn Cataldo (M.S., adv. B. Douglas) and Matt Wanker (M.S., adv. D. Edmonds) during the summer of 2017. IU faculty member Dr. Brian Yanites also made a visit to the Field Station to conduct a preliminary assessment of the South Boulder River as a potential site for future research. SCHOLARSHIPS It is exciting to be able to report that we have contin- ued to add to our scholarship base with the addition of three new scholarships over the past three years. These generous donations from alumni are making it possible for the Field Station to award scholarships to 70 % of the students enrolled in G429 with the average amount of funding awarding during this time being $52,000. FACILITIES Efforts have been underway for several years to sys- tematically upgrade the student dormitories. The goal is to have all of the dorms on the upper cam- pus renovated over the next 5 years. A less obvious change but of high importance was the replacement of a number of kitchen appliances, the most im- portant of which may have been the replacement of the coffee maker which was the same one that existed when Bruce Douglas started teaching over 30 years ago. Progress has also been made on the design and plans for a new student bathhouse to be constructed on the upper campus. The project is in the final stages of design and cost analysis. We are cautiously optimistic that construction will begin in the not too distant future. IUGFS Website: http://www.indiana.edu/~iugfs/ hgr | 43 field geoscience Olduvai Gorge Summer Field Study The summer field course in Field Geology and Paleoanthro- pology at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Africa (EAS-X377) was held for the fourth consecutive year in summer 2017. We had a total of 10 students hailing from IU-Bloomington, IUPUI, University of Nevada, Addis Abbaba University (Kenya) and the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa). As with last year, the faculty were Jackson Njau and Jim Brophy, both of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. For those EAS (formerly Geological Sciences) alums who have taken the course, you will be interested to know that we had to relocate our camping and dining site to the west of the Old Leakey Compound. The Tanzanian government has decided to turn the original compound into a Leaky museum site and they did not want scruffy faculty and students running around. As part of this project, the small museum along the rim of Olduvai Gorge has been replaced with a modern 3-building museum that was dedicated in summer 2017. The website address for the Tanzanian field course is http://www.indiana.edu/~olduvai/ support the Olduvai Gorge Summer Field Study Program For the past 4 years, Indiana University has offered a unique five-week Geology and Paleoanthropology Field School taught in the Olduvai Gorge region (http://www.indiana.edu/~olduvai). The course has been a truly valuable and sometimes life-changing experience for students. The Stone Age Institute (http://stoneageinstitute.org) has provided generous support from the beginning. For many students, however, participation is still beyond their reach. An additional goal of the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Alumni College is to raise funds for the Olduvai Field School Scholarship Fund. If you are interested in helping, a donation can be arranged at the time of registration or any time thereafter. There are three donation levels: Silver benefactors ($100-$1,000) Gold benefactors ($1,000-$2,000) Platinum benefactors ($2,000 and above) For information on adonating to the EAS Alumni College scholarship fund, please visit https://www.indiana.edu/~olduvai/alumni/index.html 44 | hgr EAS Alumni College at Olduvai-Serengeti In last year’s HGR it was announced that an Olduvai-Serengeti Alumni College was “in the works.” We are very pleased to announce that we plan to offer it for the first time this coming summer (2018). This Alumni College offers an exciting ten-day educational experience in and around Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Olduvai is located in the Ngorongoro-Serengeti ecosystem where people and their early ancestors have coexisted with wildlife for nearly four mil- are very pleased to lion years. We announce that we plan to offer it for the first time this coming summer (2018) It is a world heritage arche- ological site made famous by Dr. Louis Leakey and his wife Mary for their ground- breaking discovers of early human fossils documenting the evolutionary history of our species, culture and technology. The College will be led by IU professors Jackson Njau and Jim Brophy, along with one or more experienced Tanzanian safari tour guides. Together, Njau and Brophy represent over a decade of teaching and research in the Olduvai region while the safari guides bring their vast knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Serengeti. The College will begin in the city of Arusha, which is close to Mt. Kilamanjaro. As you leave Arusha you will see and learn about the East Africa Rift Zone, arguably the single most famous geologic feature in the world. You will spend several days in the Olduvai region working side by side with students currently enrolled in a 5-week Geology and Paleoanthropology field school based out of the original Leakey research camp at Olduvai. You will participate in lectures. You will hike into the gorge. You will get your hands dirty in the field. You may even make your own stone tool and skin a goat (if you are up to it!). You will experience first hand the local Masaai culture as you interact with them at both the Leakey camp and at their own primitive bomas. After leaving the Olduvai region you will travel for three days in the nearby Serengeti plain where you will experience African wildlife at its best. From there, you will return to Arusha and home. All vehicle travel is in comfortable, robust safari vehicles. All acco- modations are in first class hotels or safari lodges. In short, you will be comfortable from beginning to end. apply for the EAS Alumni College Program at Olduvai - Serengeti For information on applying for the EAS Alumni Field School in Olduvai, please visit https://www.indiana.edu/~olduvai/alumni/index.html hgr | 45 News About US The following sections contain news and information about our graduate students and faculty members, construction and upgrade projects in the department, news from Emeriti and Alumni, and a list of our esteemed benefactors. Our best undergraduates are sought by the top graduate programs in the U.S. We place three or four students per year in the most highly competitive programs and about 10 additional students student careers in moderately competitive programs. Our M.S. students are recruited by the top Ph.D. programs in the U.S. Conversely, we are able to draw students from top programs into both our M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Our graduate students are annually recruited by two major and several mid-sized oil companies. Service companies also conduct on-campus interviews each year. Blaire Hensley-Marchand Michael Smith Katarina Topalov Kevin Webster Lin Wei Ph.D. 2017 Ph.D. 2017 Ph.D. 2016 Ph.D. 2017 Ph.D. 2016 faculty position at Fairfield College Fairfield, CT and research associate at Yale University New Haven, CT. full-time position with Cloud Imperium Games Austin, Texas. work as an adjunct at two universities in Chicago and volunteers her time to a conservation organization and a land trust. post-doc at the University of Arizona. full-time research geochemist at Petrochina (governmental oil company) Beijing, PR China. external fellowships and honors graduate awards 2017 Crossroads Conference REBECCA CALDWELL SEPM Outstanding Oral Presentation Award | Outstanding student presentation AAPG – Honorable Mention MATT WANKER GSA Student Research Grant | Grant from Tobacco Root Geological Society ERIN BENSON 2017 GSA Student Grant KIRSTYN CATALDO Vitaliano Grant in Aid of Research SCOTT DAVID GSA - John T. & Carol G. McGill Research Award GRAHAM JOHNSON Society of Sedimentary Geology, Student Research Grant | AAPG, Alexander & Geraldine Wanek Memorial Grant JOHN KEARNEY GSA Graduate Student Research Grant | Stone Age Institute Graduate Fellowship ALEX ZIMMERMAN Estwing Academic Achievement Award GRACE CARLSON Undergraduate Poster JOHN KEARNEY John and Mary Droste Award ALEX ZIMMERMAN PH.D. Poster JAMES ATTERHOLT Mineralogical Society of America Undergraduate Award PATRICK GRIFFIN Award for best student presentation at the 12th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (AIG-12) 46 | hgr ANNA JESSE AND YINZHI WANG Departmental Citizenship Award JEFFREY VALENZA Chevron Oil Company Fellowship SILVIA ASCARI Galloway Perry Horowitz Fellowship ZHIYANG LI AND BRIAN THORNTON Edward J. Grassman Fellowship KUSHAL RAVIPRAKASH Atmospheric Sciences Fellowship CARRIE BURKE Tudor Fellowship BEI LIU John Barratt Patton Award BRITT ROSSMAN M.S. Oral Presentation REBECCA CALDWELL PH.D. Oral Presentation faculty news david polly EAS Professor David Polly is Associate Director of a successful IU Grand Challenge initiative. The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences will play a central role in the multi-milliondollar IU Grand Challenges initiative called Prepared for En- vironmental Change directed by Ellen Ketterson of the Biology Department. The initiative aims to improve forecasts of climatic, hydrographic, and biot- ic change (including disease vectors); assess public perception of risk and improve methods for communicating the implications of environmental change; reconfigure strategies for conserving natural resources and design- ing resilient human communities; and develop strategies for governments and businesses to invest productively in the face of large-scale environmen- tal change. Sixteen new faculty positions will be created to support this work, Watch a video from the IU Grand Challenges initiative to get more information about the Prepared for Environmental Change grant, as well as other efforts that were funded by the IU Grand Challenges Initiative. https://grandchallenges.iu.edu/ including two in EAS in the area of climate modeling. Several EAS faculty are involved, including David Polly who is the Associate Director of the initiative, Chanh Kieu, Paul Staten, Doug Edmonds, Arndt Schimmelmann, Peter Sauer, Edward Herrmann, Brian Yanites, Claudia Johnson, and Chen Zhu. The initiative will bring several postdoctoral fellows and graduate students to the department, upgrade our stable isotope facili- ties, and add LiDAR technology. MICHAEL HAMBURGER Midcontinent EarthScope Workshop for Teachers The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences hosted 20 middle- and high-school Earth science teachers for “Midcontinent EarthScope Workshop” connected with its NSF-funded research project on Structure and Dynamics of the North American Craton.  The three-day workshop included lectures, demonstrations, exercises, discussions, and two field trips to learn about structures associated with earthquakes in the Midcontinent. hgr | 47 news about us department news active fellowships and scholarships Don and Margie Hattin Special Field Course Fund This Fund is intended to support IU geology undergradu- ate students planning to participate in high-quality, rigor- ous field camp programs such as the Olduvai Gorge field course or the Geology Regional field course. George M. Nevers Memorial Field Station Scholarship The George M. Nevers Memorial Field Station Scholar- ship was established by William R. Kersten and Timothy K. Driggers to honor the memory of their dear friend Dr. George M. Nevers and his love of the Judson Mead Geo- logic Field Station. Dr. Nevers earned his M.A. at Indiana University in 1957, attended field camp in 1956 and is remembered as “being a great leader, wonderful person and even better friend.” Recipients are not required to be students at Indiana University, but must be accepted and enrolled for summer field courses at the field station. Preference will be given to those students who are de- gree-seeking at IU. Class of 2013 Katharine E. Compton Memorial Field Sta- tion Scholarship The IUGFS Class of 2013 and Compton family estab- lished an endowment in memory of Katharine E. Comp- ton, an enthusiastic young woman with a profound in- terest in field geology. This scholarship will be used to support students who have been accepted and enrolled for summer field courses at the field station. Recipients are not required to be full-time IU students. Preference is given to students who best exhibit the potential to per- form exceptionally well in a rigorous field geology course. Margaret C. and Anne Marie Kuzmitz Scholarship/Fellow- ship Anne Marie Kuzmitz has irrevocably given to the de- partment a gift to be used to support scholarships and fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students in need of financial assistance who are pursuing a degree in Geological Sciences. Preference will be given to a female student. Margaret Clare Kuzmitz received her B.A. from the department in 1938. Mary Iverson Graduate Fellowship This fellowship was established to support graduate fel- lowships for students who are pursuing an M.S. or Ph.D. in Geological Sciences and need an additional semester of support to finish writing their thesis or dissertation. 48 | hgr Peter S. and Susan M. Dahl Graduate Fellowship This gift is used to support graduate fellowships in the Depart- ment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Frank D. and Shirley A. Pruett Undergraduate Scholarship This gift is used to support undergraduate scholarships for stu- dents majoring in Geological Sciences and who hold an academ- ic standing of junior or senior status and a grade point average of 3.0 and above. James Rockford Orgill Endowment Income from this gift is used to support undergraduate schol- arships and/or graduate fellowships in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Recipients of the scholarships and fellowships may include full-time IU students attending the IU Judson Mead Geologic Field Station in Montana. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. Parke Graduate Fellowship in Geological Sciences The income from this gift is used to support fellowships for grad- uate students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sci- ences within the College of Arts and Sciences who are entering their final year of study. The fellowships should be awarded to students who are no longer eligible for regular department sup- port but who, in the estimation of the Fellowship Committee, have demonstrated good progress toward degree completion. The fellowship is not renewable. Norman R. King Graduate Field Research Fellowship The income from this gift is used to support fellowships for M.S. or Ph.D. students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences who are conducting field studies in the area of soft- rock geology including stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleon- tology. The fellowship may be renewable at the discretion of the Chair of the department. Sheldon Turner Geological Science Scholarship Income from this gift is used to support scholarships for under- graduate students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. The scholarship may be renewable. John and A-Lan Reynolds Undergraduate Research Travel Award The income from this gift is used to support travel awards for un- dergraduate students to conduct field-based research. Recipi- ents of these awards shall include, but not be limited to, students planning to conduct their research at the Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. The award shall be given to undergraduate stu- dents pursuing a major in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with records of academic excellence as demonstrated by a minimum GPA of 3.0. Van Benschoten-Rapoport Scholarship Income from this gift is used to support undergraduate and grad- uate scholarships for field study at the Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. The recipients shall be registered at Indiana Uni- versity and enrolled in field courses offered through the Indiana University Department of Geological Sciences. Preference will be given to students from the State University of New York College at Oneonta who meet the academic guidelines and admission criteria for field study at the Judson Mead Geological Field Sta- tion, as defined by the Scholarship Committee. Preference will be given to students who express financial need. Geological Sciences Senior Student Support Scholarship The gifts in this fund will be used to support an annual $2,000 scholarship for one student beginning their senior year in the de- partment and has a strong research plan/proposal. Edward J. Grassmann Fellowship Income from this gift will be used to support fellowships for stu- dents with a special interest in clay mineralogy or clay mineral application. Gallaway/Perry/Horowitz Memorial Fund Income from this gift will be used to support the research and educational needs of graduate students studying paleontology, stratigraphy and/or paleoecology, including field research trans- portation, subsistence, and supplies. Daniel S. Tudor Fellowship The gifts in this fund will be used to support fellowships in geo- physics or a closely related field. Scott and Allyson Tinker Scholarship This gift is used to support undergraduate scholarships of $1,000 annually for field study at the Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. Recipients must be registered at IU, enrolled in field courses through the department, with preference given to students from Trinity University. Leon – IUGFS Excellence in Field Geology Scholarship The income from this gift will be used to support scholar- ships for students who have been accepted and enrolled in the summer field courses at the IU Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. Recipients are not required to be full-time IU students. Preference is given to students who best exhibit the potential to perform exceptionally well in a rigorous field geology course. Coller Family Graduate Scholarship The income from this gift will be used to support graduate students pursuing their M.S. or Ph.D. in geological sciences within the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Charles Deiss Memorial Scholarship The income from this gift will be used to support two summer scholarships for students enrolled in field courses at the IU Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. If you would like to donate to any of the funds that support the department, please visit https://www.myiu.org/one-time-gift and select your preference from the drop-down list. Charles J. Vitaliano Grant-in-Aid Income from these gifts will support a summer grant-in-aid for student(s) research on the geology and geophysics of western Montana and adjacent areas being conducted at the IU Judson Mead Geologic Field Station. Bill and Jan Cordua Scholarship The income from this gift is used to support $500 scholarships to junior or senior students majoring in geological sciences with a 3.0 GPA or higher. Maynard and Winifred Coller Scholarship Income from this gift is used to support $500 scholarships to junior or senior students majoring in geological sciences with a 3.0 GPA or higher. hgr | 49 news about us Since late 2011 we have repurposed, remodeled, or ren- In addition to those major improvements, in mid-2017 we ovated a multitude of spaces in the Geology building.  finished the final phase of the Paleo Collection renovation, building updates viewers can study from the outside hallway.  The display case will not only hold specimens but incorporate a monitor Most efforts were isolated endeavors, one commonality and displays with augmented reality functions. being that each was made more complicated by issues The Geology building has become an invaluable resource to related to the building’s aging infrastructure.  As such, a variety of groups from across campus, these groups were we are quite excited with the news that IU has received displaced from their buildings due to renovation efforts but funding for a future infrastructure-focused building ren- are now utilizing temporary space in the Geology building so ovation.  that they can continue their operations until their building Although unrelated to the renovation effort, we did ex- renovations are finished. perience a major central infrastructure upgrade in 2017.  And some units have moved in permanently. The internal chillers and their associated hardware were Our neighbor to the west, the removed and the building was connected to the IU Bloom- ington central chilled water system. Aside from the benefit of having the utility in place before renovation efforts begin, the upgrade also included remote monitoring and control systems. Those systems are already improving functionality of our existing air handling units. The air handling units are now capable, if necessary, of receiving chilled water supply year round, whereas the HVAC side of the previous arrangement had to be winterized each winter to avoid damage.  Ultimately, while still utilizing original systems it is not that noticeable an improvement, but it is a noteworthy first step. faculty timeline 50 | hgr installing card readers, and creating a new display case that School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, is occupying a renovated classroom on the 4th floor of Geology. They have a new building, Luddy Hall, un- der construction (see image right), but they will also use the Geology building classroom for the foreseeable future. View of Luddy Hall under construction, looking west from the roof of the Geology building. Our neighbor to the east, Psychology and Brain Science. has moved some of their research facilities into a beauti- fully-renovated suite of offices on the 6th floor, Michael Bennett Manager of Information Technology Pam Christenberry Administrative and Fiscal Officer Amanda Coats IUGFS Accounting Associate Megan Divine Contracts and Grant Accounting Associate Ruth Droppo Graphic and web design and development Dianne Dupree Administrative Secretary, Chair’s Assistant ‘Chelle Filippelli Graduate Services Coordinator John Hettle Facilities Administrator, Geology Building Not Listed Purchasing and Travel Representative Jian Liu Geosciences Librarian Terry Stigall Geophysics Electronics Technician Mark Toensing IU Geologic Field Station Resident Manager Ben Underwood Manager, Stable Isotope Research Facility John Walker IT Techical Specialist department staff Staff members work in a variety of occupations to enhance the presence and function of the department on campus. hgr | 51 news about us June, 1952 (Inaugural Issue) FACULTY tracks and trails from deep (sort of) time News items from historic issues of the Departmental Newsletter and the Hoosier Geologic Record Lee J. Suttner The following material is mostly quoted verbatim; all past issues of the departmental newsletter and the Hoosier Geologic Record are currently being scanned and will become available on-line on our departmental website. C.F. Deiss (Chair), J.J. Galloway, R.E. Esarey, B.H. Mason, W.D. Thornbury, C.J. Vitaliano, J.B. Patton, J.W. Mead, R.E. Dean, W.R. Lowell, P.D. Proctor, T.G. Perry, H.H. Mur- ray. ENROLLMENTS University (14,360), College of Arts and Sciences (2590), Undergraduate Geology Majors (63), Graduate Geology Majors (43). Factors contributing to decreased enrollment are expiration of veterans’ benefits, increas- ing cost of education, the call of the armed services and the sirenic call of high salaries paid by industry. STORIES John Patton, R.E. Deane and Wayne Lowell taught the eight-week summer field course at the Indiana Univer- sity Geologic Field Station in Jefferson Island, Montana. Forty-five students were enrolled. Professor Thornbury spent the summer at Pomona Col- lege in Claremont, California writing the first draft of his Principles of Geomorphology textbook. Visiting lecturers included Walter Voskuil, Illinois Geo- logical Survey (“Minerals on the Russian Border and What They Mean”), G.W. Tyrell, England (“Geochemistry 52 | hgr Architect’s rendering of the Geology building, which was constructed from 1957 to 1962. Note that in this model, there are seven floors and a low-relief sculpture above the front entrance. of Sediments”), Kenneth Caster , University of Cincinnati (“A Geolo- gist Looks at Brazil”), Harlow Shap- ley, Harvard University (“Astronom- ical Dating of the Earth’s Crust”), R.P. Goldthwait, Ohio State Univer- sity (“Baffinland Expedition”). The Oil and Gas Division of the In- diana Department of Conservation, which was created and moved to the Indiana University campus in 1947, was officially changed to Geo- logical Survey, Indiana Department of Conservation. Ten fellowships and assistantships were made available by the Survey for gradu- ate students in the Department. May, 1956 May, 1966 FACULTY FACULTY C.W. Beck, C.F. Deiss (Chair), R.E. Esarey, H.H. Gray, A.M. Gutstat, W.R. Lowell, J.W. Mead, H.H. Murray, J.B. Patton, T.G. Perry, W.D. Thornbury, C.J. Vitaliano. STORIES Just one year after joining the faculty, Professor Hat- tin was called for two years of military service with the Air Force. Professor Harry Wheeler of the University of Washington was appointed as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Stratigraphy to teach Dr. Hattin’s courses in 1956-57. The geology faculty voted to change the requirements for the A.M. degree by adopting a Graduate School op- tion which states “Either a thesis or a reading knowledge of German or French is required”. The recipient of the Faculty Scholarship Brunton Award for 1954-55 was James Robert Dodd. James plans to ob- tain a Ph.D. in paleontology, and then either teach in a university or do paleontology research for the U.S.G.S. or a state survey. It appears that some part of the geology facilities will be on wheels most of the time between March and October, and anyone who hopes to do business with us would be well advised to bring a bicycle. The large Quonset hut oc- cupied by geology at the east end of the Union will be re- moved to make room for the eastward extension of the Union Building, which will triple the size of that building. Up to fourteen companies have visited the department and about every student that resembled a geologist has had some sort of offer. A.F. Agnew, C.W. Beck, J.B. Droste, R.E. Esarey, D.E. Hattin, T.E. Hendrix, W.R. Lowell, J.W. Mead, W.G. Meinschein, J.B. Patton (Chair), T.G. Perry, P.E. Potter, A.J. Rudman, R.H. Shaver, Y.M. Sternberg, W.D. Thornbury, C.J. Vitaliano, C.E. Wier. STORIES The addition of three new faculty in 1966, Rudman, Stern- berg, and Meinschein, raised the total number of faculty to its highest level (18) in the history of the Department. The Department was “deluged” (because the program Di- rector, Professor Agnew, is a hydrogeologist) by 20 high school earth science teachers from across the country, se- lected from over 300 applicants, for the Academic Year In- stitute sponsored by NSF. The participants are in residence for two semesters to obtain the M.A. for Teachers degree. Recruiters from 20 industries interviewed students in the Department. The Department received notices for 47 teach- ing positions available mostly at U.S colleges and universi- ties. The Department/Survey hosted five meetings with region- al, national, and international participation, adding spice to the lives of the inhabitants of the Geology Building. SGE’s social calendar was a rousing success. Fall Frolic at- tendance was 55; 115 people attended the Christmas Party and 185 participated in the spring picnic. The second winner of the Annual Screwball Award, Professor Mead, was intro- duced by the inaugural winner of the award in 1965, Profes- sor Hattin. Twenty-four students were enrolled in the Montana summer field course taught by professors Esarey, Perry, and Lowell. No unusual events occurred—no accidents, no romances. Moving part of the Geological Survey into their new quarters in Wylie Hall was delayed several months while Dr. Kinsey’s new quarters in Jordan Hall were sound- proofed to prevent the escape of any sex secrets before publication. Professor and Mrs. Judson Mead toured the west during the past summer and visited the I.U. Camp, Black Hills, Glacier Park, etc. Jud liked the camp so much that he is going back as a member of the summer staff. hgr | 53 news about us December, 1987 FACULTY A. Basu, J. Brophy, R. Christoffersen, D. Dilcher, J. Dodd (Chair), J. Droste, J. Dunning, M. Hamburger, D. Hattin, J. Hayes, N. Hestor, N. Krothe, G. Lane, E. Merino, H. Murray, G. Olyphant, L. Onesti, P. Ortoleva, G. Pavlis, L. Pratt, E. Ripley, A. Rudman, R. Shaver, L. Suttner, D. Towell, R. Wintsch. ENROLLMENTS Undergraduate major enrollment declined from a maximum of over 200 at the start of decade to about 60 in the past two years. Graduate enrollment declined from about 105 to 60. STORIES December, 1977 FACULTY R.F. Blakely, D.L. Dilcher, J.R. Dodd, J.B. Droste, D.E. Hattin, J.M. Hayes, T.E. Hendrix, C. Klein, N.C. Krothe, N.G. Lane, J.W. Mead, W.G. Meinschein, E. Merino, H.H. Murray (Chair), J.B. Patton, E.M. Ripley, A.J. Rudman, R.V. Ruhe, R.H. Shaver, L.J. Suttner, D.G. Tow- ell, C.J. Vitaliano, R.P. Wintsch. ENROLLMENTS Undergraduate major enrollment reached a high of 150; 75 grad- uate students were enrolled. The Department’s number of alumni passed 1000. STORIES The Department had six active NSF grants, five HEW fellowships on energy and mineral resources, three industrial fellowships, three industry-funded research projects, and six projects funded through the Water Resources Research Center. A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer designed and con- structed in part by John Hayes performed flawlessly in analyses of the Mars atmosphere. Very, very much closer to home, Warren Meinschein and Robert Ruhe conducted a study of the organic pollutant content in Bloomington’s storm-water runoff. William Glover and Andrew Campbell received the prestigious Faculty Scholarship Brunton Compass Award reflecting their achievement of highest GPA in the 1976 and 1977 graduating class of undergraduates. W. Calvin James, Myron Webb, Connie Roberts, and Ellen Lake received Outstanding Associate Instruc- tor Awards in recognition of their excellent undergraduate teach- ing. With approximately only one out of three out-of-state student’s applicants being accepted, the Montana program continued to operate at capacity with an enrollment of over 140 students. 54 | hgr Within the last year, the Department celebrated its 100th birthday and the Indiana Geological Survey celebrated its 150th birthday. A Richter-scale 5.0 earthquake centered near Vin- cennes on June 11 kept Professor Gary Pavlis busy with television, radio, and newspaper media. It was widely felt in southern Indiana and there was some local damage. The Annual Fall Field Trip of the Great Lakes Section, SEPM was held at I.U. on October 9-11; it focused on the Mississippian carbonate stratigraphy of south- ern Indiana. Bob Dodd and Abhijit Basu organized the trip with students as part of a special graduate seminar in carbonate petrology. Following the celebration of I.U.’s national champi- onship basketball victory over Syracuse, Professor Droste summarized his memories of having stars Steve Alford, Keith Smart, and Dean Garrett in his introductory physical geology class. Following the victory in New Orleans, he was forced to postpone the start of his class until nearly the start of the next class to allow Keith Smart, whose last-second shot clinched the victory in the championship game, to sign autographs. A new computer lab for student use has just been completed next to the geology library. Included in the hardware is a Macintosh SE microcomputer, and a laser printer, along with extensive software, includ- ing graphics packages. This will be especially use- ful for word processing and illustrations for theses, term papers, and other student projects. December, 1997 December, 2007 FACULTY FACULTY A. Basu, S. Brassell, J. Brophy, J.Dodd, J. Dunning, M. Hamburger, N. Hestor, C. Johnson, E. Kauffman, N. Kro- the, R. Mackie, E. Merino, G. Olyphant, L. Onesti, G. Pav- lis, L. Pratt, E. Ripley, A. Rudman, M. Savarese, L. Suttner (Chair), D. Towell, R. Wintsch. ENROLLMENTS Undergraduate geology major enrollment experienced a modest increase to 40; graduate enrollment was 66 with a near equal number of Ph.D. and M.S. candidates. The Department’s undergraduate enrollment climbed from sixth to fifth in the Big Ten; its graduate enrollment re- mained the second largest in this group of institutions. STORIES At its annual meeting in September, the Department’s Advisory Board officially announced the kick-off of the largest endowment campaign in the history of the De- partment, if not the largest in the history of any depart- ment in the University — Geological Sciences at the Fore- front: “$5 million in five years.” Representatives from six different energy industries re- cruited in the Department in spring and fall. As noted in the September issue of Geotimes, IU geo- physicists have participated in the Princeton Geophysics Program, funded by NSF. This project links two objec- tives: to provide earth science and physics high school students with hands-on training in seismology, and to create a nationwide network of seismograph stations ca- pable of providing useful data to researchers. Fifteen alumni and friends participated in the sixth an- nual Alumni College at the Field Station led by Gary Lane and Tom Straw. A. Basu, D. Bish, S. Brassell (Chair), J. Dunning, M. Ham- burger, C. Johnson, K. Johnson, G. Olyphant, G. Pavlis, M. Person, P. Polly, L. Pratt, E. Ripley, B. Ritts, J. Schieber, R. Wintsch, C. Zhu. STORIES The Department’s U.S. News national ranking, in the re- gion of 75 in 1985, has risen to 34th, in 2006. The groundbreaking for the second Multidisciplinary Science Building (MSB II) is expected soon, with an optimistic schedule for occupancy in early 2009. The state-of-the-art laboratory space will house the research programs of several of our faculty, notably those in bio- geochemistry and those involved in environmental sci- ence research. More than 80 people attended the 2006 Holiday party at The Fields in Bloomington. Undergraduates put on a “Project Runway” show in which students impersonat- ed Departmental Professors. Professor Wintsch barely edged out Professor Bish for the high honor of the Screw- ball Award. The Field Station hosted a forum “Does Need Exist for a National Center for Geoscience Education in the Field? If so, How do We Get There?” More than 50 participants from academia and industry attended. The University provided over $115,000 to upgrade the lodge and make other facility improvements. Faculty external research grants in the Department to- taled 33. (The per faculty total of external funding was reported to be in the top fifth of the Big Ten.) Sadly, two long-time Department faculty, N. Gary Lane and David Towell passed away in 2006-07. hgr | 55 news about us Emeriti notes ABHIJIT BASU The Student Years He was naïve and be- Well before classes started in late August, he became lieved the engaged in a verbal teasing-spar with Professor Robert educational branch of Ruhe who treated him with great respect since then. the State Department Professor Charles Wier eased him into being a graduate told him about gradu- student in a foreign country and gave him a summer job ate schools in the US. for support. Professor Charles Vitaliano saw to it that Graduate courses are he would be placed in appropriate courses in geology extremely hard. You are and let him co-teach a course with Professor David Tow- restarting as a student ell. Professor Thomas Hendricks unilaterally declared after a hiatus of 10 years – begin with undergraduate English as his foreign language. Professor John Hayes courses. Only GPA is considered for the award and contin- taught him to appreciate precision and accuracy in all uation of financial aid. Your fellow students would be far analyses. Professor Warren Meinschein opened the vista advanced in their knowledge of geology and world affairs. of studying lunar regolith as samplers of solar particles. They will be extremely competitive and not likely to share Professor Lee Suttner kindly accepted him as his Ph.D. their notes with you. The professors there do not care if student and inspired him to inquire about provenance you have time to study and complete projects assigned sensu latu for the next 40+ years! everything by others. He came to Indiana University with panic in his heart. took its toll. He had become used to living in a tent in Within 20 minutes of his arrival in Bloomington on July deep forests, some nights with a loaded gun to fend off 30, 1971, Fulbright counselors whisked him over to Nick’s wild animals. He forgot his college physics and college where the legendary Ruth served him a Stroh’s. Finishing chemistry. Plate tectonics bypassed him completely. Ph.D. students Dick Alexander and Bob Schwartz treat- Mathematical treatment and statistical analysis of geo- ed him as an absolute equal in discussing science and logical data were beyond his grasp. He lacked scientific the Ph.D. program in the Department. Larry Cook gave a depth in his conversations and presentations. typewriter to him to submit clean copies of assignment papers. Tom Kalan loaned his Bug for him to get a driver’s license. Dave DesMarais and Bill Cordua put some Moon dust under a microscope for him to examine. Steve Young essentially adopted him as a brother, taking him to his parents’ home to stay, and was as loud as he could be in arguing all the time in their shared office. The two were inseparable. 56 | hgr The ten-year gap (1961-1971) in studentship, however, The State Department was dead wrong about American students and American Professors, but perfect in as- sessing the mediocrity of a foreign student. ENRIQUE MERINO DAVID DILCHER Last fall, I got a plaque at the WRI- Now engaged in research proj- 15 meeting at Évora, Portugal, “in ects with colleagues in India, recognition of my contributions France, Spain and Germany. One over the years” to the Water/Rock project is to document the old- Interaction Group. At Évora I was est record of the sweet potato invited to come to Japan, and that’s family. With a colleague in India I where I traveled in March, lec- am working on the origin of the turing on the physics of mineral morning glory family (Convol- replacement at Tohoku University, vulaceae) which is distributed at Sendai. It was the fifth anniversary of the tsunami that worldwide and has been a matter of debate. The fossil devastated the coast in the vicinity of Sendai, and I visited record from the late Eocene sediments of North Amer- three fishing villages that had been wiped out and that are ica argues for a Laurasian origin that is in contrast to under reconstruction. After Japan, my wife and I travelled a molecular phylogenetic study that favors an East to Spain every spring. While in Madrid we took part in the Gondwana origin. Here we report on fossil leaves of Ipo- celebration of the 50th anniversary of IU’s Study Abroad moea from the late Paleocene of India that support the Program, along with current and previous students and current molecular phylogenetic conclusions of an East directors of the program, with the permanent Madrid staff, Gondwana origin for Convolvulaceae. This then puts with quite a few IU alumni who live and work in Spain, and the origin of a major branch of flowering plants (Con- with deans Zaret and Sideli and IU president McRobbie who volulales) in southeast Asia at about 75 million years BP came from Bloomington for the party. Also in Madrid, and rather than in the Americas at about 50 million years as I do every year, I checked the status of the beautiful, ago. five-story-high Jardín Vertical, see photo. At the end of my stay, in early July, I gave the key- note lecture at the annual meeting, in Oviedo, of the Spanish Society for Mineralogy. I had been asked to uncover the blind spot geochemists have – without knowing they have it – regarding the Also as part of my search for early flowering plants, I am working with a team of researchers from France, Spain and Germany on fossils collected in northeast Spain from Lower Cretaceous sediments. This is an aquatic plant and has two growth forms. It is complete with fruits (+seeds). I am trying to rebuild again a teaching and research collection for Paleobotany. In 1990 much of the IU col- lection was moved to the Florida Museum of Natural History. Now I am looking for help to rebuild the IU Pa- leobotany Collection. nature and mechanism of replacement. The meeting closed with a fieldtrip to the Respina Talc Mine in northern León, where dolostones and patches of dolomitic zebra veins are replaced by talc. hgr | 57 news about us Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Alums Glenn Bear M.S. (1992) Ph.D. (1997) news from alumni Home: Shenandoah TX Married to Laurie Bear Career: ExxonMobil Comments: “Glenn Bear (MS ‘92, PhD ‘97) and Lorie Bear (PhD ‘97) are living in Houston and both are working for ExxonMobil. Both continue to pursue their passions in geophysics. They met, were married, and had their first son while at IU. Both of their kids have now started col- lege, but neither could be convinced to study geoscienc- es, nor to attend IU. “ Haleigh Howe M.S. (2014) Home: Tulsa OK Married to Gabrielle Reed. Career: Chesapeake Energy Scott Warner M.S. (1986) Home: Novato, CA Career: Principal Hydrogeologist, Ramboll Comments: “Lots of changes since my last update - I am working as a Principal Hydrogeologist with the global firm Ramboll (Headquartered in Copenhagen but my office still in the SF Bay area) on lots of water resources, envi- ronmental restoration, climate change and litigation work. And on the family side, older daughter Shayna is just about to graduate with her BA from UCLA (my undergrad alma mater), and younger daughter Sara is a new undergrad at IU(!) (with the vocal program at the Jacobs School of Music!). It has been fun getting back to campus with Sara and checking out all the old digs - and running into friends from ways back like Todd Thompson, the State Geologist with the IGS! Both my wife Susan and I are also now part of the IU Parents Advisory Board - so that is another very cool connection with IU and B-town.“ Scott Wendorf M.S. Home: Zug, Switzerland. Married to Andrea Hamilton. Career: Halliburton Worldwide GmbH: Managing Director of Halliburton Worldwide GmbH, in Zug, Switzerland. IUGFS Alums Mary Pikul Anderson G429 (1969) Home: Madison WI Career: Professor Emeritus of Hydrology at Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin at Madison Comments: “Indiana’s field camp was one of the most memorable times of my life - it was my first big adventure - my first time to see the Western USA and its incredible geology, my first encounter with so many people from such diverse backgrounds. It was important for me to have this field experience especially since my career has 58 | hgr focused on computer modeling with limited field adven- tures. After IU field camp, I graduated from the Universi- ty at Buffalo, got a PhD in Hydrology from Stanford Univ, spent two years in Long Island, and in 2009 retired from a 34 year career as a professor of hydrogeology at the Univ of Wisconsin-Madison. I am so glad the IU field camp tra- dition continues.“ Cat Beck G429 Home: Clinton NY Career: Faculty member, Geosciences Department, Ham- ilton University Chuck Berthoud IUFGS (1973 or 1974) Home: PA Ariana Boyd G433 (2015) Home: Knoxville TN Career: Attends University of Tennessee Knoxville Glenn Bruck G429 Home: Moraga CA Career: US EPA in San Francisco, CA Kurt Byanski G429 Home: Anderson IN Career: Geologic Arts, Inc. Michele DeMartini (Mydris) G429 (1995) Home: Santa Rosa CA Roy H. Drew G429 (1969) Home: Maple City MI Career: Retired from the Bureau of Land Management Comments: “Thank you very much for ‘tracking me down’ and contacting me! It was a pleasure to hear from you and reflect on my time at the Field Station. G429 was a much needed experience and education for me, and I benefit- ed significantly from it. I went on to have a very rewarding and interesting career with the Bureau of Land Manage- ment as a Geologist/Mineral Examiner in Colorado. I was able to work in the field, over much of the West, but never in Montana. I took my wife to the Field Station sometime during the late 80’s to show her around the campus, but unfortunately it was not during course time. It was nice to return! We did have a beer in Whitehall. Take care of your- selves, and G429. Thanks again! “ Stewart Farrell IUGFS (1966) Home: Port Republic NJ Comments: “Still fondly remember the agony of getting into field traversing shape, driving from Rapid City across the west and learning one huge amount about western stratigraphy, geologic history and field mapping that has always been in the background as we do similar types of tasks along the New Jersey oceanfront and bayshore coastlines. “ Gary R. Gates IUGFS 1995 Home: Morro Bay CA Comments: Married to Marilyn Gates Finn V. (Vivian) Gratton G429 (1982) Home: Santa Cruz CA Career: Psychologist, Trainer, Consultant, Finn Vivian Gratton, LMFT Russ Hartford IUGFS (1969-70) Home: Kalispell MT Comments: “I came to IU with a masters in chemistry and a lifelong interest in geology and geophysics. After attending IU for a year and the field station that summer I returned to Kalispell and teaching. The next year I add- ed a course in geology in addition to the chemistry I was teaching. Each year we were able to go up to Grinnell Gla- cier and take a week long trip around Montana, Idaho, and Yellowstone National Park. During the 22 years we did this we had a least one student go on to study geology and/or geological engineering. I retired from teaching at Flathead High School in 1993. Just this last spring I retired again, this time from Flathead Valley Community College. Can’t thank Judd Mead and the rest of the staff enough for a lifetime of pleasant memories.” Jon Hassinger G429 Home: Evergreen CO Career: CI International, Inc. Adam Heffeman G429 (1998) Home: Houston TX Career: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Dick (Harold) Holbo G429 (1960) Home: Albany OR Career: Retired from Comstock Instrument Paul Kapp G429 Home: Tucson AZ Career: Professor, Geology, Tectonics, Wind. Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona Tim Ku G429 Home: Middletown CT Career: Associate Professor of Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University Robert N. Lambe G429 (1972) Home: Topsfield MA Career: GEI Consultants, Inc. Comments: “Attending the IU field course and faculty in- spired me to pursue my Ph.D.; my research area was the Boulder Batholith. While I intended to pursue a career in teaching, having been inspired and counseled by several of the IU faculty, I ended up working in the mining industry for Exxon Minerals and then Newmont Mining. As the U.S. mining industry declined, I ended up spending much of my subsequent years as a consultant with Arthur D. Little, pursuing mining and environmental projects throughout the world. I truly feel that the experience at the field sta- tion, including the opportunity to be an associate instruc- tor in 1973, and the inspiration of the faculty was one of the most important and decisive events in my almost 40 year career.“ Whitney Littleton G429 (2000) Home: Centennial CO Career: Gilbane Federal, Inc. Construction Engineering Company Robert M. Mason G429 Home: Littleton CO Comments: “Married to wife, Penny, 48 years. Three daughters: Shannon, Megan, Holly. Six grandkids. 42 years in oil and gas. Ex-Shell Oil, Southland Royalty, Meridian Oil. Retired as VP Exploration, Andex Resources. Still consult- ing. Just finished high potential oil prospect in northern Nevada and still sharing my love of geology with young grade school kids. Fondest Field Camp memory: I brought my bagpipes to field camp and piped my fellow students to the trucks most mornings. Also, living in Billings, MT, in 1988. Took Megan skiing at Bridger Bowl. While going up chairlift saw large overturned fold just north of ski area. Told Meg: “I mapped that outcrop as part of a field test back in 1965 at IU field camp when you were just a twinkle in my eye”. In many ways G429 was an important building block for my career. All the best! “ Morgan McGee-Solomon G429 Home: Wilmington DE Career: Delaware Department of Natural Resources in the Control Site Investigation and Restoration Section Ryan McNulty G429 (1993) Home: Lincoln RI Michael Minner G429 (1994) Home: Bakersfield CA Career: Chevron, Inc. Keri Murch (Chappell) 429e Home: Petaluma CA Career: works on major oil company environmental reme- diation projects in western US hgr | 59 alumni notes Autumn Skye Murray IUGFS (2016) Home: Lancaster KY Career: Graduate student at Tulane University Brian Noonan IUGFS (1995) Home: Houston TX Career: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Christopher Nowak G429 (1991) Home: Bothell WA Robert Gregory Nesselhauf G429 (1970) Home: Fairbanks AK Career: Retired from R.G. Nesselhauf, Consulting Comments: “I was a TA for the G429 6-Credit Options for both the years 1971 and 1972. I look back to the three years that I was associated with the G429 - first year as a student and the following two years as a TA - as the happi- est geologic experiences in my lifetime.“ Chris Paschke G429 (1992) Home: Houston TX Career: PHPBilliton Petroleum Comments: “Thanks for this. I sent in the paper form, but I wanted to update my info on the website as well. I am sorry that I will miss the function in Houston in January.“ Sarah Pearce (Newland) G429 (1999) Home: Golden CO Career: San Francisto Estuary Institute Comments: “I have been in California since 2001 working as a geomorphologist, and am one of the leads of the Cal- ifornia Rapid Assessment Method for wetlands (cramwet- lands.org). But my family moved to Denver this summer for my husband’s job with USACE. I still have many proj- ects to complete with the San Francisco Estuary Institute, but ultimately want to transition to a Colorado firm or agency. I would be grateful to talk with field camp alum in Colorado to begin networking.“ Jordan Pelfrey G429e (2015) Home: Cumming GA Career: Advanced Disposal Scott Pflug G429 (1993) Home: Grand Junction CO Career: Co-Owner, Fresh Start Carpet Cleaning John Quinn G429 (1986) Home: Downers Grove IL Career: Argonne National Laboratory 60 | hgr Kent Reser G429 (1978) Home: Marietta GA Career: Retired from IBM after a 38 year career Comments: “It was a great once in a lifetime experi- ence - getting there; the field camp; afterward and get- ting home. I would love to get the contact info for 3 of my classmates from G429 1978: Joseph Martin, Curtis Smith & Robert Goldstein.“ Eric Riggs G429 (1995) Home: Houston TX Career: On faculty at Texas A&M University Comments: “Hope all is well for you guys! Miss teach- ing up there!” Lorri Ronis (Maloney) G429 (1984) Home: Herndon VA Lanya Ross IUGFS (1997) Home: St. Paul MN Career: Metropolitan Council Frank Scavo G429 (1972) Home: Irvine CA Career: Strativa, Inc. Computer Economics, Inc. Comments: “The field studies was a high point of my life. Although I never worked in a geology-related field, I treasured this experience. I enjoyed watching the vid- eos of the students today. Thanks for reaching out.” Janet Schweitzer IUGFS (1981) Home: Golden CO Michael Sharwood (Schaiowitz), M.A. Home: Australia. Married to Helen Sharwood, Retired Brian Shaw G429 (1972) Home: McLean VA Career: National Intelligence University at the Pentagon Comments: “Currently serving as Dean of the Oetting- er School of Science and Technology Intelligence. The School is the focus of S&T degree-granting education across intelligence and national security communities. The National Intelligence University was chartered by the Department of Defense in 1962, and the Universi- ty’s degrees — the Master of Science and Technology Intelligence, the Master of Strategic Intelligence and the Bachelor of Science in Intelligence — are authorized by Congress.“ David C. Shelton IUGFS (1966) Home: Golden CO Career: Retired from Shelton Environmental LLC Comments: “Amazing that you found me after all these years. My last Clay in Calico coffee mug is now broken.“ Ching Tu G429/429e (2005) Home: Houston TX Career: Schlumberger-WesternGeco (Retired) Mark Stacy IUGFS (1991) Home: Fort Collins CO Career: Wenck Associates, Inc. Comments: “Great to hear that fieldcamp is still going strong! Need more well trained geologists. Are you offer- ing a hydrogeologist’s class? “ R. Greg Vaughan G429 (1991) Home: Flagstaff AZ Career: US Geological Survey Frederick (Fred) Stanin G429 (1978) Home: Lafayette CA Career: Arcadis Design and Consulting Edward M. Stolper G429 (1972) Home: Pasadena CA Career: Provost; William E. Leonhard Professor of Geol- ogy; Carl and Shirley Larson Provostial Chair, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology Robert Swartz G429 (1993) Home: Folsom CA Career: Regional Water Authority Jennifer N. Swift G429 (1984) Home: Los Angeles CA Career: Spatial Sciences Institute, USC Comments: “Dear James, What a wonderful letter! I will surely try to connect at a conference in the future. FYI, Don Hattin was my “Uncle Don”, and very influential through- out my life. He and Aunt Margie grew up with my parents on the east coast. We will all miss him very much. He is the one who encouraged me to attend camp w/IU rather than the school I was attending. I could scan my photos from 1984 field camp if you’d like them for the website? I still have them in an album :) I look forward to hearing from you. Happy Holidays! All the best, Jen spatial.usc.edu “ David Tett G429 (1990) Home: Cypress TX Career: Development Geophysicist https://www.linkedin. com/in/dltett Dan Thompson G429 (2001) Home: Andover MN Career: Dakota Technologies Dennis Tryon IUGFS (1962) Home: Tucson AZ Andrew Van Benschoten IUGFS (1965) Home: New Kingston NY Marwan A. Wartes G429 (1996) Home: Fairbanks AK Career: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Christine Weaver (Gordon) G429 (1994) Home: Sterling Forest NY Career: HDR Engineering, Mahwah, NJ Ronald Wilkins G429 (1986) Home: Carrollton TX Ben Witherell G429 (1987) Home: Flemington NJ Career: New Jersey Department of Environmental Pro- tection Donald Wittemore G429 (1967) Home: Lawrence KS Career: Kansas Geological Survey Comments: “As an undergraduate chemistry major with several geology courses at the University of New Hampshire, and as a first-year graduate student in geochemistry at MIT, I did not have as much geologic field experience as most geology majors. MIT sent their students without a field course to the IU field program, which was very valuable training in the development of my geologic background. After the IU field program, I transferred to Penn State University because I wished to obtain a geosciences degree with more practical application to the environment. During the summer of 1968, I spent a summer of geologic mapping and pros- pecting for a mining services company in the Canadi- an arctic, for which the IU field training was especially valuable. I obtained a Ph.D. in geochemistry and min- eralogy at Penn State and then started my career as an Assistant Professor in Geology at Kansas State Uni- versity. At KSU I worked on groundwater and environ- mental geochemistry, earning tenure, before I decided to join the Kansas Geologic Survey at the University of Kansas in 1978, where I have conducted research in hydrogeochemisty. I am now in my last year of phased retirement as a Senior Scientific Fellow. “ hgr | 61 news about us Cole Abel & Jean Brown-Abel Richard & Marsha Adams Keith Adkins & Yvonne Oropeza Our 2011-2017 Benefactors Jeannie L. Alexander Harry & Deborah Allen Garry & Janice Anderson In October of 2016 we dedicated a Donor Wall to Phillip & Linda Asher honor our benefactors. The modern wood and M. D. Babb plexiglass structure is installed in the building lobby. It contains the names of people who have Kate H. Baker Jack & Carolyn Baker Joseph B. Balta made substantial donations to the department Lawrence H. Balthasar and are listed in “Presidents Circle,” “Arbutus So- Robert & Evelyn Barbour ciety,” and “Major Gifts” by the University Devel- Abhijit & Ilora Basu opment Office. Glenn & Lorie Bear Richard J. Beckman On a separate plaque is written: Since 1886, the Ronald M. Belak Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Jeffrey & Sandra Belth has successfully carried out its mission of teach- ing, research and service to both the profession Steven R. Benham Geraldine M. Benson Edward E. Berg and the community. The continued generosity of David & Karen Bish our alumni and friends has made this possible. Robert & Rosanna Blakely The donor wall recognizes those who have con- tributed significantly to the Department over the Anand E. Boice John & Martha Bollenbacher Harvey J. Bomberger years. We are forever grateful for the legacy of Kennard & Katherine Bork philanthropic support from all of our benefactors. David J. Bottjer Annette W. Bottum Robert & Elizabeth Boyce Malcolm W. & Sylvia Boyce Simon & Trudy Brassell Gregory Bratton Kenneth & Jo Ann Bretsch Alan L. Brittain Donald & Elizabeth Brobst Bruce & Linda Bromley Thomas M. Bruns John & Janet Bubb Edward & Patricia Buffie 62 | hgr Walter Burrin & Laura Wilson Kevin C. Eagar Michael M. Hamilton Joseph & Anne Callis Robert L. Eckle Stanley & Mary Hamilton Alfred P. Canepa William S. Elliott Karen & James Handschy Christopher Carlson & Nicholas & Pilar Enright Thomas & Judith Hanley Randall & Korryn Fairman William & N Hanna Michael & Cheryl Carpenter William A. Fariss Donald & Nancy Hannin Pamela H. Carter Martin B. Farley William & Lynn Harmon James & Janet Carter James W. & Carol Farnsworth Tekla A. Harms Phillip & Wendi Caserotti James & Jean Ferry Roxanne R. Harper Daniel & Anna Chase Thomas G. Fertal Richard & Jenny Harvey Sambhudas Chaudhuri Nancy B. Fetter Walter & Nancy Hasenmueller Yanyan Chen Andrea L. Foster Craig & Nancy Hatfield Eugene Chewning & Maribeth Coller James F. Friberg Donald & Marjorie Hattin Carl W. Christensen Lois J. Fritz Michael & Kathryn Evart & Suzanne Christensen Geneva R. Fry Hayes Mary E. Hays John & Elinor Cleveland Christopher & Amy Gellasch Helen Heath Clyde & Elizabeth Cody Michael Gerdenich & Tyler D. Helmond Martha Anderson David A. Coller Ina Hanel-Gerdenich Stephen & Kathryn Henderson Jeffrey & Theresa Cook Shankar & Geeta Ghose Gerald J. Henderson Philip Coons & Elizabeth Bowman Sujoy & Romi Ghose Donald L. Herz Christa A. Cooper Lowell & Marilyn Gladish David F. Hess William & Janet Cordua Scott & Susan Glassman Glenn Hieshima & Suzanne Kairo James & Sue Crisman Bruno & Eileen Goldschmidt Richard & Maryellen Edward L. Crisp Larry & Eileen Goltz Hinton Bradley & Linda Hoffman Jodi L. Cutler Scott & Susan Gorham Neil B. Hokanson Diane M. Daniel Rajindra Gosine Melody R. Holm David & Jill Darko Michael & Kate Graham Keith Holmes & Kimberly Fisher Lyndon & Mildred Dean David Greeley Ralph M. Huffaker Joel & Rachel Degenstein Sidney Green & Selma Novograd Green Samuel F. Huffman Bryan & Melanie Delph Don L. Green William Hughes & Carol A. Derner Deborah Green Tilford Gerald E. Dietz Gordon & Evelyn Grender James & Helen Hughes William & Phyllis Dixon Stewart & Risa Griest Jane W. Hultberg Robert and M. Joann Dodd Monty & Susie Grover Inda & Neal T. Immega Bruce Douglas & Lisa Pratt John & Sheila Guthrie Philip L. Inderwiesen David & Kathleen Smith Humberto & Joyce Guzman Ray Ingersoll Drake Aileen M. Duc Scott & Ann Hadley Jay L. Jackson & Barbara J. Waugh Mark T. Duigon Stephen & Barbara Hall Alan & Luanna Jacobs Mack & Julie Duncan Michael Hamburger & Jennifer Bass Bruce & Susan James Paulette Hervi Hughes Prodip & Gouri Dutta hgr | 63 news about us 64 | hgr Gordon A. Jenner Peng Lu & Xiaoou Sun Joseph Oliver & Christine McEnery Adam P. Johnson Herbert L. Magley David C. Olliver Gerald & Marilyn Johnson Joseph L. Manson Greg & Cynthia Olyphant Laura K. Jones Christopher & Sara Maples Michael J. Oslos Robert G. Jones Andee J. Marksamer Raelene A. & Jeffrey S. Oslund Henry L. Jones David M. Martin David & Donna Outhouse Mark & Nancy Jungemann Jack L. Mason Arthur & Margaret Palmer Lawrence & Ellen Karasevich David & Betty Mathews Andrew R. Parrish Erle Kauffman & Claudia Johnson Elizabeth A. Matney James & Jean Parsell Christina Kauffman Michael & Elizabeth May Mark Patzkowsky & Katherine Freeman Douglas & Karen Kayes Lee May & Kim Hughes Travis & Katherine Paulin Teresa B. Keller Paul Mazalan Gary & Mary Pavlis Bryan S. Kemmerer Patrick & Dorothy McDevitt Arthur & Sondra Percy Wesley & Mary Kissel Michael T. McGee Bill & Kathleen Pershing Randy & Jennifer Kline Robert & Barbara McTaggart Gerchard & Alica Pfau David & Zaiton Kluesner John & Virginia Mead Raymond N. Pheifer Ronald & Sharon Klusman Maxwell & Judith Meise Tommy Phelps & Susan Pfiffner Philip S. Koch Alfred & Norma Miesch Ranard J. Pickering Louis C. Konetski Michael & Anne Miller Sheila Ploger Stephen R. Kraemer Madelyn A. Millholland Thomas & Lynda Plymate Elizabeth A. Krebes Douglas & Martha Montgomery P. David Polly & Rebecca Spang David A. Kring Theresa M. & Donald W. Moore Robert Price & Mary Runnells Ramona D. Kudla David & Jill Morganwalp Amanda S. Pruett Lucia Kuizon Marjorie Michael Mound & Elizabeth Greene Frank D. Pruett J. Kurt Anne Kuzmitz Michael E. Murat Penny A. Pruett Therese M. Kwiecien Janet L. Murphy Robert & Diane Pruett Byung D. Kwon Haydn & Juanita Murray Shirley A. Pruett Ellen A. Lake Eric Mustonen Thomas & Becky Purkey Michael A. Lane Bobby W. Myers Robert G. Reid Fred & Dorothy Latimer William & Catherine Kenneth I. & Coral A. Reiss J. David & Barbara Lazor Nellist Jack L. Nelson Nicholas & Kate Remmes Steven & Susanne Leininger George M. & Margaret J. Nevers Phyllis J. Renzetti Rodney & Marsha Lemley Wayne & Janet Nichols Dmitriy G. Repin Kimberly & Mark Leonard Howard T. Nicholson Michael & Dana Retherford Carl M. Lesher Samuel & Evelyn Niemann Frank & Joann Revetta Sally L. Letsinger Jackson Njau & Angela Vanrooy Amanda C. Reynolds Chusi Li Nicholas W. Noe John L. & A-Lan Reynolds Michael L. Lieser John & Julie Noel Benjamin H. Richard Joe J. Litehiser Charles & Barbara Oberly John T. Riddell Xin Liu Ronald K. Ogle Bradley & Debra Ridgely Ronald A. Riepe Mark & Jean Sonntag Eleanor Y. Weidman Virginia M. Riggle Joyce Specker Grant & Helen Wells Kenton & Jane Riggs Joseph & Elena St Jean David & Alice White James D. Rimstidt Rodney & Marie Stafford Orvil & Christene White Edward & Kathleen Ripley Robert & Renate Sterrett James & Sheri White Eric & Janice Robbins Michael & Carol Stewart Dietrich& Caroline Whitesides George & Jeri Rodgers Justin L. Stigall Bruce L. Wilcer Steven & Susan Rohr Larry & Rebecca Studebaker Johnnie R. Williams William D. Romey James & Mary Sukup Rebecca R. Williamson Alicia M. Rosales James H. Sullivan Erik C. Winarski Albert J. Rudman Zhenbo Sun Robert P. Wintsch David A. Rudman Lee J. & Virginia L. Suttner Donald W. Wirth Sharon K. Rupp James & Sally Szpakowski Michael & Pamela Wischmeyer Carolyn Rutland Edward J. Tarbuck Ralph H. Wolfe Robert C. Saenger Lawrence & Dawn Taylor Wing-Leung Wong & On-Ni Cheng Rosanne R. Sanislo Wayne D. Terry William H. Wright Peter & Deborah Sauer Adam Thacher & Catherine Thibault Mark & Janet Yarlot Robert C. Schacht Joyashish Thakurta Martin Yates & Diane Vatne Minh & Arndt Schimmelmann Andrew & Sarah Thomas Christopher & Sandy Yokoyama Aaron Schmoll & Kirstie Andersen Janet Thornburg Steven W. & Margretta H. Young David & Barbara Schrage Scott & Allyson Tinker James H. Youngflesh Thomas & Diane Schull Gregory Tipple & Joyce Basciano Andrew & Doreen Zaback Dale A. Schultz Brett & Kathryn Tipple Stephanie L. Zachary Dennis H. Serne Lindsay B. Towell Thomas Zeller & Mary Rothert John & Mary Sexton Brian & LaDawn Towell Evan R. Zeller Nelson & Kathryn Shaffer Margaret J. Townsend M. Sue Shaver Daniel S. & Janet Tudor William & Lisa Shorb Mary A. Turner Jerome M. Siekierski Karon S. Turpin Jayne L. Sieverding Mary S. Utgaard Robin S. Sitver Russell & Doris Utgard Craig Smith Kenneth & Joyce Vance Linda J. Smith Michael & Debra Vandrey James A. Smith James F. Wakeman Aaron D. Smith Jerome P. Walker Barry S. Smith Rachel I. Walker Siobhan P. Smith Margaret C. Wang Stephen C. Smith Yifeng Wang & Jianjun Lin Donald & Phyllis Snow Laura E. Wasylenki Wilfrido Solano-Acosta & Irene Arango hgr | 65 People In Memory erle kauffman time Excellence in Systematic Paleontology from the Pa- Dr. Erle Kauffman leontological Research Institution. Additionally, Erle was Born: February 9, 1933 recognized with The Society for Sedimentary Geology’s Died: December 16, 2016 W.H. Twenhofel Medal for Outstanding Contributions and Erle Galen Kauffman, 83, Professor Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Scienc- es at Indiana University, died peacefully at home December 16, 2016 after a long illness. Honored for his many contributions to the Geo- logical and Paleontological sciences, Erle also was acknowl- edged as a master teacher, researcher and mentor, advanc- ing the education of many through his passion for learning, rigorous science, and generosity of ideas. Erle held an aca- demic position at IUB since 1996. Born and raised in the Washington DC area, Erle received his undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and was awarded a Doctorate in Geo- logical Sciences in 1961. Subsequently, Erle built a 20 year career with the US National Museum, Smithsonian Institu- tion, where he ultimately held the position of Full Curator, Department of Paleobiology. During that tenure, Erle also served as Adjunct Professor of Geology, George Washing- ton University, Washington DC. From 1980 to 1996, Erle was Professor and later Chair (1980-1984), in the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder. Erle received many honors, both as scientist and educator. He was recognized with an Honorary Master of Science from Oxford University, England (1970), where he was a Vis- iting Professor, and an Honorary Doctor of Natural Sciences in 1987 from Georg-August-Universitat, GÖttingen, Germa- ny, and in 1986 as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar to Australia. In 1991 the Society for Sedimentary Geology awarded Erle the R.C. Moore Medal for Excellence in Paleontology, and in 1997 he was honored with the Gilbert Harris Award for Life- 66 | hgr Sustained Excellence in Sedimentary Geology in 1998, and more recently with the Paleontological Society’s Med- al for Advancement in Knowledge in Paleontology in 2014. Erle was a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, the Paleontological Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He served in leadership roles in many of the professional organizations of which he was a member, notably as President of the Paleontological Society, and Vice President of the International Paleonto- logical Association. Erle lived life fully and with great heart, exploring, adven- turing, playing as hard as he worked. His love of the Rocky Mountains drew him both professionally and personally. Erle was an experienced hiker, backpacker, climber, skier and an avid fly fisherman, and these adventures were an integral part of the family life he shared with his beloved wife and colleague Claudia Johnson, his former wife Caro- lyn Kauffman, and their children Donald, Robin and Erica. Erle was an accomplished banjo player, and was known, particularly by his students, for gatherings famous for good food, good wine, good music, good conversation and camaraderie. Erle is survived by his wife of 27 years Claudia C. Johnson; his three children: Donald (Kathleen) of Sydney, Australia, Robin of Paonia, CO, and Erica (Jim) Lancaster of Atlanta, GA; six grandchildren: Shelley, Christopher, Anna, Tucker, Tate, and Reed; former wife Carolyn (Stinebower) Kauff- man of Redstone, CO; and his sister Christina Kauffman of Boulder, CO. Erle was preceded in death by his parents: Erle B. Kauffman and Paula V. (Graff) Kauffman. To honor Erle’s legacy, please consider donating to the Erle G. Kauffman fund at the Paleontological Society, the Erle Kauffman Paleobiology Fund at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University, or to Indiana University Health Hospice. He is survived by his children James T. Hayes of Honolu- lu, Hawaii, Anne Hayes Hartman of Oakland, California, and Rachel M. Hayes of Nashville, Tennessee, and by his grandchildren Diego Enriquez, Johanna Hartman, Sar- ah Hartman, and Rylan Hayes. His children and grand- children were all with him on the day he died. As a scientist, Hayes’ work on organic isotopes and re- construction of ancient conditions provided evidence of the development of the carbon cycle over geolog- ic time, the timing of evolutionary events such as the development of photosynthesis, and the development of the global environment. He performed field work around the globe, including on the R/V Atlantis and in the submersible Alvin, and in Western Australia, South Africa, and the Canadian Arctic. He was a member of john hayes the American Geophysical Union, the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, and the European Association Dr. John Michael Hayes of Organic Geochemists. He authored two textbooks, Born: September 6, 1940 four book chapters, and nearly 200 papers, and men- Died: February 3, 2017 tored students and assisted colleagues in countless John Michael Hayes passed away at his home in Berkeley, ways. Hayes was elected a member of the Nation- California, on February 3, 2017, of idiopathic pulmonary fi- al Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American brosis. Hayes was a geochemist, receiving a B.S. from Iowa Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1998, and a Foreign State University in 1962 and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Member of the Royal Society in 2016. Hayes served as a Institute of Technology in 1966. He was a professor at Indi- Captain in the United States Army from 1967-1968, de- ana University for 26 years and was named a Distinguished tailed to the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain Professor. In 1996 he became director of the National Ocean View, California. Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility at Woods John and Janice Hayes were enthusiastic travelers Hole Oceanographic Institution, and also served as a pro- throughout their lives, always willing to detour for, or fessor at Harvard University. He has lived in Berkeley since plan a trip around, good restaurants and fine wine. He 2007. was an experienced photographer, a flutist and lover Born in Seattle, Washington, John Hayes grew up in Mon- of classical music, and a baker who made six loaves of tana and Iowa, attending 13 schools before graduating from bread nearly every weekend his children were grow- high school in Perry, Iowa, as his family moved regularly for ing up. In Berkeley, he was a member of the Epworth his father’s job with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and United Methodist Church and the Berkeley Camera Pacific Railroad. In 1962, he married Janice Maria (Boeke) Club. He had an unpretentious approach to life in and Hayes of Hubbard, Iowa, whom he met at Iowa State Univer- out of the laboratory; “look for the good in people” was sity. They celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary before his bedrock philosophy. As he rejoins the carbon cycle, her death in 2013. he would like to remind us all to take action to combat global climate change. hgr | 67 hello alumni! (we’d love to hear from you) Are you an alumnus or alumna of the Department of Earth and Atmo- spheric Sciences (formerly the Department of Geological Sciences)? Would you like to update your contact information? If so, please visit our online form and send us some stories, news about your employment or address or just chat. http://earth.indiana.edu/alumni/forms.html 68 | hgr Indiana University College of Arts + Sciences 2017-2018 Alumni Newsletter of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences This magazine is published by the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences in cooperation with the College of Arts + Sciences to encourage alumni interest in and support for Indiana University. VISIST US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Website: earth.indiana.edu Twitter: @IU_EAS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IUEarth hgr | 69 INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON FULFILLING 70 | hgr the PROMISE