The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
greetings from the chair
new name, new curriculum
We remain committed to providing the finest undergradu-
ate and graduate education possible. Our undergraduates
are moving on to graduate school while our graduate stu-
dents are all finding jobs. Much of this success is due to the
support of alumni like you who have generously given to the
department in so many different ways.

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at
IU is changing as the fields of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences make new advances and as we expand into new
areas like Tectonic Geomorphology, Surface Dynamics,
and Atmospheric Sciences.

EAS Disciplines
1. climate and earth processes:
4. solid earth dynamics:
Atmospheric Sciences, Biogeochemistry, Surface Processes
Geophysics, Structural Geology, Tectonics
Earth’s surface and environment are in a dynamic zone that
extends from the base of weathered bedrock to the top of
trees. In this zone, the atmosphere, water, biota, and tecton-
ics interact to influence landscapes, water resources, natural
hazards, climate, biogeochemical cycles, and life.

Critical to our understanding the Earth is knowledge of
the physical processes that shape the Earth’s formation,
evolution, and present-day dynamics. The combination of
state-of-the-art geophysical instrumentation and advanced
computational capabilities makes it possible to observe
and quantitatively model complex geological systems in
ways that were previously unimaginable.

2. energy resources:
Mineralogy and Petrology, Stratigraphy
Indiana Geological and Water Survey
5. field courses:
Numerous projects in mineralogy and sedimentary, igneous
and metamorphic petrology have been or are presently being
carried out on all 7 continents. Nearly all of this research is
funded by NSF, NASA and corporate grants. Current investiga-
tions include research on basalt and tonalitic magma genera-
tion, magmatic processes and sulfide ore formation, structural
and rheological properties of metamorphic rocks, pure and
applied clay mineralogy, the mineralogy of natural zeolites,
and planetary mineralogy.

The Judson Mead Geologic Field Station
Field Course at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
NEW IN 2018! EAS Alumni College Field Course at Olduvai
Our department has long maintained a strong com-
mitment to field-based geoscience investigations and
education to achieve a fundamental improvement in our
understanding of the Earth.

3. origin and evolution of life:
Geobiology, Geoarchaeology, Paleontology
These disciplines investigate the interactions between life and
environments throughout Earth’s history. Principles of pale-
ontology form the foundation that bridges geologic, biologic,
chemical, and anthropologic sciences. Geobiology relies on
analysis of fossils in their geologic, and thus historical and envi-
ronmental contexts to test hypotheses about the history of life.

News about Faculty, Students, Staff, and Department - PAGE 46
Tracks and Trails from Deep (sort of) Time - PAGE 52
News from Alumni - PAGE 58
2012-2017 Benefactors - PAGE 62
People In Memory: Erle Kauffman, John Hayes - PAGE 66
Alumni Contact Form - PAGE 68
EAS Social Media - PAGE 69
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