Soon after visiting our Collections,
President McRobbie initiated a Collec-
tions Summit during which he shared
his remarks about IU’s material ob-
ject collections across all campuses,
hosted an open discussion regarding
policy issues inclusive of mission, dig-
itization, exhibition, accession, deac-
cession and staffing, and welcomed
invited participants’ responses to de-
velop a collective vision for IU’s mate-
rial object collections as part of IU’s
Bicentennial activities and celebra-
tions. Probing questions about our daily research and teach-
ing activities were always welcome. We now treasure
these “good ol’ days” of interactions and hope we are
developing our own stories, to be passed along to fu-
ture generations with fossil specimens in our Collec-
tions. The N. Gary Lane Paleontology Collection Fund cam-
paign, launched at the inaugural Open House, provides
the financial resources needed to manage, curate, and
preserve the IU Paleontology Collections in perpetuity.

We invite you to contribute to this fund, and to visit our
Collections, either in person, or virtually through access-
ing this website, the Paleocollection Visualization Lab: Collection Personnel
Claudia Johnson
(Faculty Research Curator) phone: 812-855-0646
David Polly
(Faculty Research Curator) phone: 812-855-7994
Jackson Njau
(Faculty Research Curator) phone: 812-856-3170
Collection Location
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Indiana University
1001 E. 10th St. Room GY518
Bloomington, IN 47405
IU Paleontology Collection website: http:/
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