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active fellowships and scholarships
Don and Margie Hattin Special Field Course Fund
This Fund is intended to support IU geology undergradu-
ate students planning to participate in high-quality, rigor-
ous field camp programs such as the Olduvai Gorge field
course or the Geology Regional field course.
George M. Nevers Memorial Field Station Scholarship
The George M. Nevers Memorial Field Station Scholar-
ship was established by William R. Kersten and Timothy
K. Driggers to honor the memory of their dear friend Dr.
George M. Nevers and his love of the Judson Mead Geo-
logic Field Station. Dr. Nevers earned his M.A. at Indiana
University in 1957, attended field camp in 1956 and is
remembered as “being a great leader, wonderful person
and even better friend.” Recipients are not required to
be students at Indiana University, but must be accepted
and enrolled for summer field courses at the field station.
Preference will be given to those students who are de-
gree-seeking at IU.
Class of 2013 Katharine E. Compton Memorial Field Sta-
tion Scholarship
The IUGFS Class of 2013 and Compton family estab-
lished an endowment in memory of Katharine E. Comp-
ton, an enthusiastic young woman with a profound in-
terest in field geology. This scholarship will be used to
support students who have been accepted and enrolled
for summer field courses at the field station. Recipients
are not required to be full-time IU students. Preference
is given to students who best exhibit the potential to per-
form exceptionally well in a rigorous field geology course.
Margaret C. and Anne Marie Kuzmitz Scholarship/Fellow-
ship Anne Marie Kuzmitz has irrevocably given to the de-
partment a gift to be used to support scholarships and
fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students in
need of financial assistance who are pursuing a degree in
Geological Sciences. Preference will be given to a female
student. Margaret Clare Kuzmitz received her B.A. from
the department in 1938.
Mary Iverson Graduate Fellowship
This fellowship was established to support graduate fel-
lowships for students who are pursuing an M.S. or Ph.D.
in Geological Sciences and need an additional semester
of support to finish writing their thesis or dissertation.
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Peter S. and Susan M. Dahl Graduate Fellowship
This gift is used to support graduate fellowships in the Depart-
ment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Frank D. and Shirley A. Pruett Undergraduate Scholarship
This gift is used to support undergraduate scholarships for stu-
dents majoring in Geological Sciences and who hold an academ-
ic standing of junior or senior status and a grade point average
of 3.0 and above.
James Rockford Orgill Endowment
Income from this gift is used to support undergraduate schol-
arships and/or graduate fellowships in the Department of Earth
and Atmospheric Sciences. Recipients of the scholarships and
fellowships may include full-time IU students attending the IU
Judson Mead Geologic Field Station in Montana. Preference will
be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
Parke Graduate Fellowship in Geological Sciences
The income from this gift is used to support fellowships for grad-
uate students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sci-
ences within the College of Arts and Sciences who are entering
their final year of study. The fellowships should be awarded to
students who are no longer eligible for regular department sup-
port but who, in the estimation of the Fellowship Committee,
have demonstrated good progress toward degree completion.
The fellowship is not renewable.
Norman R. King Graduate Field Research Fellowship
The income from this gift is used to support fellowships for M.S.
or Ph.D. students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences who are conducting field studies in the area of soft-
rock geology including stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleon-
tology. The fellowship may be renewable at the discretion of the
Chair of the department.
Sheldon Turner Geological Science Scholarship
Income from this gift is used to support scholarships for under-
graduate students in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences. The scholarship may be renewable.
John and A-Lan Reynolds Undergraduate Research Travel Award
The income from this gift is used to support travel awards for un-
dergraduate students to conduct field-based research. Recipi-
ents of these awards shall include, but not be limited to, students
planning to conduct their research at the Judson Mead Geologic
Field Station. The award shall be given to undergraduate stu-
dents pursuing a major in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with
records of academic excellence as demonstrated by a minimum
GPA of 3.0.
Van Benschoten-Rapoport Scholarship
Income from this gift is used to support undergraduate and grad-
uate scholarships for field study at the Judson Mead Geologic
Field Station. The recipients shall be registered at Indiana Uni-
versity and enrolled in field courses offered through the Indiana
University Department of Geological Sciences. Preference will be
given to students from the State University of New York College
at Oneonta who meet the academic guidelines and admission
criteria for field study at the Judson Mead Geological Field Sta-
tion, as defined by the Scholarship Committee. Preference will be
given to students who express financial need.
Geological Sciences Senior Student Support Scholarship
The gifts in this fund will be used to support an annual $2,000
scholarship for one student beginning their senior year in the de-
partment and has a strong research plan/proposal.
Edward J. Grassmann Fellowship
Income from this gift will be used to support fellowships for stu-
dents with a special interest in clay mineralogy or clay mineral
application. Gallaway/Perry/Horowitz Memorial Fund
Income from this gift will be used to support the research and
educational needs of graduate students studying paleontology,
stratigraphy and/or paleoecology, including field research trans-
portation, subsistence, and supplies.
Daniel S. Tudor Fellowship
The gifts in this fund will be used to support fellowships in geo-
physics or a closely related field.
Scott and Allyson Tinker Scholarship
This gift is used to support undergraduate scholarships of
$1,000 annually for field study at the Judson Mead Geologic
Field Station. Recipients must be registered at IU, enrolled in
field courses through the department, with preference given
to students from Trinity University.
Leon – IUGFS Excellence in Field Geology Scholarship
The income from this gift will be used to support scholar-
ships for students who have been accepted and enrolled in
the summer field courses at the IU Judson Mead Geologic
Field Station. Recipients are not required to be full-time IU
students. Preference is given to students who best exhibit
the potential to perform exceptionally well in a rigorous field
geology course.
Coller Family Graduate Scholarship
The income from this gift will be used to support graduate
students pursuing their M.S. or Ph.D. in geological sciences
within the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Charles Deiss Memorial Scholarship
The income from this gift will be used to support two summer
scholarships for students enrolled in field courses at the IU
Judson Mead Geologic Field Station.
If you would like to donate to any of the funds that support the
department, please visit
and select your preference from the drop-down list.
Charles J. Vitaliano Grant-in-Aid
Income from these gifts will support a summer grant-in-aid for
student(s) research on the geology and geophysics of western
Montana and adjacent areas being conducted at the IU Judson
Mead Geologic Field Station.
Bill and Jan Cordua Scholarship
The income from this gift is used to support $500 scholarships
to junior or senior students majoring in geological sciences with
a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Maynard and Winifred Coller Scholarship
Income from this gift is used to support $500 scholarships to
junior or senior students majoring in geological sciences with a
3.0 GPA or higher.
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