news about us
Emeriti notes
The Student Years
He was naïve and be-
Well before classes started in late August, he became
lieved the
engaged in a verbal teasing-spar with Professor Robert
educational branch of
Ruhe who treated him with great respect since then.

the State Department
Professor Charles Wier eased him into being a graduate
told him about gradu-
student in a foreign country and gave him a summer job
ate schools in the US.

for support. Professor Charles Vitaliano saw to it that
Graduate courses are
he would be placed in appropriate courses in geology
extremely hard. You are
and let him co-teach a course with Professor David Tow-
restarting as a student
ell. Professor Thomas Hendricks unilaterally declared
after a hiatus of 10 years – begin with undergraduate
English as his foreign language. Professor John Hayes
courses. Only GPA is considered for the award and contin-
taught him to appreciate precision and accuracy in all
uation of financial aid. Your fellow students would be far
analyses. Professor Warren Meinschein opened the vista
advanced in their knowledge of geology and world affairs.

of studying lunar regolith as samplers of solar particles.

They will be extremely competitive and not likely to share
Professor Lee Suttner kindly accepted him as his Ph.D.

their notes with you. The professors there do not care if
student and inspired him to inquire about provenance
you have time to study and complete projects assigned
sensu latu for the next 40+ years!
everything by others. He came to Indiana University with panic in his
heart. took its toll. He had become used to living in a tent in
Within 20 minutes of his arrival in Bloomington on July
deep forests, some nights with a loaded gun to fend off
30, 1971, Fulbright counselors whisked him over to Nick’s
wild animals. He forgot his college physics and college
where the legendary Ruth served him a Stroh’s. Finishing
chemistry. Plate tectonics bypassed him completely.

Ph.D. students Dick Alexander and Bob Schwartz treat-
Mathematical treatment and statistical analysis of geo-
ed him as an absolute equal in discussing science and
logical data were beyond his grasp. He lacked scientific
the Ph.D. program in the Department. Larry Cook gave a
depth in his conversations and presentations.

typewriter to him to submit clean copies of assignment
papers. Tom Kalan loaned his Bug for him to get a driver’s
license. Dave DesMarais and Bill Cordua put some Moon
dust under a microscope for him to examine. Steve Young
essentially adopted him as a brother, taking him to his
parents’ home to stay, and was as loud as he could be in
arguing all the time in their shared office. The two were
inseparable. 56 | hgr
The ten-year gap (1961-1971) in studentship, however,
The State Department was dead wrong about American
students and American Professors, but perfect in as-
sessing the mediocrity of a foreign student.

Last fall, I got a plaque at the WRI-
Now engaged in research proj-
15 meeting at Évora, Portugal, “in
ects with colleagues in India,
recognition of my contributions
France, Spain and Germany. One
over the years” to the Water/Rock
project is to document the old-
Interaction Group. At Évora I was
est record of the sweet potato
invited to come to Japan, and that’s
family. With a colleague in India I
where I traveled in March, lec-
am working on the origin of the
turing on the physics of mineral
morning glory family (Convol-
replacement at Tohoku University,
vulaceae) which is distributed
at Sendai. It was the fifth anniversary of the tsunami that
worldwide and has been a matter of debate. The fossil
devastated the coast in the vicinity of Sendai, and I visited
record from the late Eocene sediments of North Amer-
three fishing villages that had been wiped out and that are
ica argues for a Laurasian origin that is in contrast to
under reconstruction. After Japan, my wife and I travelled
a molecular phylogenetic study that favors an East
to Spain every spring. While in Madrid we took part in the
Gondwana origin. Here we report on fossil leaves of Ipo-
celebration of the 50th anniversary of IU’s Study Abroad
moea from the late Paleocene of India that support the
Program, along with current and previous students and
current molecular phylogenetic conclusions of an East
directors of the program, with the permanent Madrid staff,
Gondwana origin for Convolvulaceae. This then puts
with quite a few IU alumni who live and work in Spain, and
the origin of a major branch of flowering plants (Con-
with deans Zaret and Sideli and IU president McRobbie who
volulales) in southeast Asia at about 75 million years BP
came from Bloomington for the party. Also in Madrid, and
rather than in the Americas at about 50 million years
as I do every year, I checked the status of the beautiful,
ago. five-story-high Jardín
Vertical, see photo. At
the end of my stay, in
early July, I gave the key-
note lecture at the annual
meeting, in Oviedo, of
the Spanish Society for
Mineralogy. I had been
asked to uncover the blind
spot geochemists have
– without knowing they
have it – regarding the
Also as part of my search for early flowering plants, I am
working with a team of researchers from France, Spain
and Germany on fossils collected in northeast Spain
from Lower Cretaceous sediments. This is an aquatic
plant and has two growth forms. It is complete with
fruits (+seeds).

I am trying to rebuild again a teaching and research
collection for Paleobotany. In 1990 much of the IU col-
lection was moved to the Florida Museum of Natural
History. Now I am looking for help to rebuild the IU Pa-
leobotany Collection.

nature and mechanism
of replacement. The
meeting closed with a
fieldtrip to the Respina
Talc Mine in northern
León, where dolostones and patches of dolomitic zebra
veins are replaced by talc.

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