The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at IU is changing as the fields of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences make new advances and as we expand into new areas like Tectonic Geomorphology, Surface Dynamics, and Atmospheric Sciences.
We have introduced a new curriculum to reflect this growth and to provide students with opportunities to explore a wide range of topics in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Designed as multiple pathways to a successful degree, the curriculum in-cludes three new core introductory ‘Earth’ courses for majors that expose students to the breadth of our fields including G225 Earth Materials, G226 Earth Processes, and G227 Earth History and Climate, and two 300-level courses G314 Data Analysis and G333 Sedimentation and Tectonics. With the exception of Earth Materials and Data Analysis, all courses are team-taught, thus exposing our students to a larger cross section of the faculty early on in their careers.