
Graduate curriculum

Each of our M.S. and Ph.D. degrees have both general and specific requirements. To fulfill these requirements, a wide range of graduate courses is available, loosely organized in a format that includes:

  1. Introductory interdisciplinary courses
  2. Core courses
  3. Advanced topics in specialized areas, and multidisciplinary seminars at the convergence of different fields

We regularly examine our curriculum and review its structure in order to best meet students’ needs through the introduction of new courses and opportunities.

Our students are encouraged to formally select a research advisor, the committee for graduate studies (CGS) undertakes responsibility for advising you regarding your course choices. Students are encouraged to explore a number of research projects and potential advisors before deciding on their chosen field of study.

  1. Introductory interdisciplinary courses are based in methodology and offer bridges between major subject areas. We recommend that students take those courses relevant to their anticipated focus and to better prepare for their research activities.
  2. The fundamental core curriculum in geological sciences is taught on a two-year rotation, with some courses offered annually. It is distributed among six teaching themes representing the essential foundations of the research disciplines in the department. The commitment to offer these courses in a prescribed sequence enables our students to better plan coursework options during their degree programs and to acquire the skills necessary to further their career goals.
  3. Advanced courses and multidisciplinary seminars are taught in specialized areas of sub-disciplines or as graduate seminars where titles, themes, and content change in response to conceptual or topical developments. Multidisciplinary seminars involve discussions of recently published papers focused on specific research topics at the convergence of different disciplines.

Learn more about graduate degrees in our Student Portal