Graduate Students

Adeline Bowen
M.S. Student
- adbowe@iu.edu
- GY 3040
Advisor: Andrea Stevens-Goddard
Research Interests: My research interests include tectonics and sedimentation, basin analysis, detrital minerals, and field geology.

Isabelle Caban
M.S. Student
- iscaban@iu.edu
- 347-797-9841
- GY 3038
Advisor: Brian Yanites
Research Interests: My research interests include volcano and cascading hazards and the long-term consequences they pose.

Jayson Eldridge
M.S. Student
IGWS Lab/Field Assistant
- jayeldri@iu.edu
- 812-856-2382
Advisor: Ed Ripley
Research Interests: My research focuses on nickle Isotope fractionation in the East Eagle Mine, Michigan.

Ricardo Ely
PhD Student
- rcely@iu.edu
- GY 5030
Advisor: David Polly
Research Interests: Evolutionary morphology, evolutionary rates, species diversification, integration and modularity.

Jake (James) Gearon
PhD Student (Edmonds Group)
- jhgearon@iu.edu
- 240-620-5681
- GY 4036
Advisor: Doug Edmonds
Research Interests: I am a sedimentologist focused on marrying big-data analytics, remote sensing, geostatistics, and sedimentology.

Lorena Jevnikar
M.S. Student
- ljevnika@iu.edu
- GY 5032
Advisor: Claudia C. Johnson
I am interested in exploring coral reef evolution.

Diya Kamnani
PhD Student
- dkamnani@iu.edu
- GY 3038
Advisor: Travis O’Brien
Research Interests: Applying statistical techniques towards understanding different atmospheric phenomenon and their dynamics.

Thomas LaBarge
PhD Student
- tlabarge@iu.edu
- GY 5053
Advisor: Jackson Njau
Research Interests: I am interested in the ecology of the large predators of the Serengeti ecosystem (Lions, Leopards, Hyenas, Crocodiles, etc.) and understanding how their diets and habits have changed over geologic time.

Heather Lawson
PhD Student
- helawson@iu.edu
IGWS advisor: Arndt Schimmelmann
Research Interests: My research project aims to concisely define the correlations between the material properties of the mined seam and the stratigraphic risk factors for dynamic failure.

Tony Li
PhD Student
- twli@iu.edu
- GY 4055
Advisor: Ben Kravitz
Research interests: Applying my mathematical background to the study of weather and climate.

Khanh Minh Luong
PhD Student, Atmospheric Science
- kmluong@iu.edu
- 812-558-1166
- GY 4057
Advisor: Chanh Kieu
Research Interests: I am a graduate student currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program for Geological Science, with a focus on Atmospheric Science, particularly tropical cyclones.

Garrett Marietta
M.S. Student
Quaternary Stratigraphy and Geochronology Laboratory Technician
- gmariett@iu.edu
- 812-855-3951
- IGWS 3014
Advisors: Jose Luis Antinao and Henry Loope (IGWS)
Research interests: My research is centered around the geochronology of northern Indiana's glacially derived geomorphic features and the increased precision of OSL/IRSL dating via statistical modeling.

Trenton Meier
M.S. Student
- thmeier@iu.edu
- MSB II 443B
Advisors: Simon Brassell and Ed Herrmann
Research Interests: I utilize geochemistry and other geological analyses to answer archaeological questions.

Phu Nguyen Duc
M.S. Student
- nguyendp@iu.edu
- GY 4037
Advisor: Travis O'Brien
Research Interests: Remote Sensing, Artificial Intelligence and Earth Science

Danielle Peltier
PhD Student
- dpeltier@iu.edu
- GY 5055A
Advisors: Ed Herrmann/Jackson Njau
Research Interests: East African Rift System climate, volcanism, and landscape change, and how these ecological changes drove hominin evolution and behavior.

Kwesi Quagraine
PhD Student
- ktquagra@iu.edu
- GY 4037
Advisor: Travis O'Brien
Research Interests: Atmospheric Rivers detection, attribution, and morphology using climate models and ARTMIP catalog.

Hrishikesh Sivanandan
PhD Student
- hrsiva@iu.edu
- GY 4055
Advisor: Ben Kravitz
Research Interests: Hrishikesh is working on studying the impact of Atmospheric Gravity Waves on offshore wind farms using Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Eli Van Dyke
M.S. Student
- elivandy@iu.edu
- 616-414-2008
- GY 3040
Advisor: Andrea Stevens-Goddard
Research Interests: Using analytical techniques to better understand the timing and extent of large-scale deformational earth processes.

Janelle Wittmer
M.S. Student
- cookjan@iu.edu
- 989-916-6349
- MSB II 443B
Advisor: Chen Zhu
Research Interests: hydrogeochemical modeling and water resources