Jackson Njau

Jackson Njau

Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Research Associate, The Stone Age Institute

Adjunct Professor, Anthropology

Affiliate Faculty, African Studies Program, Indiana University


  • Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2006
  • M.A., Rutgers University, 2000
  • B.A., University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 1992

Research interests

My research seeks to understand the relationship between paleoenvironments and hominin evolution. Drawing on a diverse array of paleoanthropological methods, my work integrates zooarchaeology, vertebrate taphonomy, paleontology, geology, and ecologically grounded actualistic studies of predator-prey dynamics, all through the lens of archaeological perspectives. Over the past fifteen years, I have concentrated on understanding the role of crocodylian predation in hominin evolution, with a particular focus on the renowned Olduvai Gorge, which is perhaps the most famous of all archaeological sites in the world that continues to shape our understanding of human evolutionary history. Currently, I am co-directing a scientific drilling project aimed at analyzing the continental core records from the Olduvai ancient lakebeds to gain high-resolution insights into the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that influenced hominin evolution.

Research projects

Over the years I have established and collaborate in interdisciplinary research projects focusing on human evolution in Tanzania. They include;

  • Currently, I am co-directing the Olduvai Gorge Coring Project. This project seeks to understand the role of Earth’s dynamics to hominin evolution through scientific drilling and multiproxy analyses of core record.
  • Olduvai Geochronology and Archaeology Project
  • Olduvai Vertebrate Paleontology Project
  • Olduvai Gorge Landscape Paleoanthropology Project

Recent student theses

  • Paul Farrugia (Ph.D., 2024)
    Title: Crocodylian craniodental ecomorphology and ecological niche modeling: A new approach for reconstructing hominin paleoecology in the East African Rift. System.

  • Danielle Peltier-Thompson (Ph.D., cand.)
    Title: Tectonic and paleoecological influence on the onset of Plio-Pleistocene hominin migration at Olduvai Basin, Tanzania.

  • Thomas W. LaBarge ((Ph.D., cand.)
    Title:  Nitrogen and Zinc isotopic model of dietary niche and taphonomy of African Pleistocene megafauna.

  • Bristol Brabson (Ph.D., cand.)
    Title:  Modeling Traces of Hominin Activities along Fault Compartments Using an Artificial Neural Network Approach.

  • Matthew Koelbel (M.Sc., 2024)
    Title:  A morphological study on the evolution of the hominin dental arcade shape, tooth dimensions, and early Homo phylogeny. 

  • Sam Anderson (M.Sc., 2023)
    Title:  Mapping Stratigraphy and Erosive Surfaces using UAV and Photogrammetry at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.

  • Thomas LaBarge (M.Sc., 2022)
    Title:  Taphonomy and Ichnology of Nile Crocodile Feeding Behavior.

  • Baraka Mbise (M.A, 2021)
    Title: Covid-19 pandemic to Tanzania tourism industry and the country’s response to socioeconomic crisis.

  • Silvia Ascari (M.Sc., 2016)
    Title: Isotopic analyses of fossil bones and teeth of herbivores and crocodiles from Bed I and Bed II of the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.

Courses taught

  • Evolution of the Earth (EAS-E104)
  • Missing Links and Human Origins (COLL-X 101)
  • Earth Climate and History (EAS-E227)
  • Paleoanthropology & Geology of Olduvai Gorge (EAS-X377/ G549)
  • Paleoecology (G561)
  • Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Advanced Seminar (G690)
  • Landscape Paleoecology, Advanced Seminar (G490/ G690)
  • Vertebrate Taphonomy of East African Rift System, Advanced Seminar (G690)

Publications 2021

Njau JK, Toth P, Schick K, Stanistreet I, McHenry LJ and Stollhofen H. (2021) The Olduvai Gorge Coring Project: Drilling high resolution palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental archives to constrain hominin evolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 561. DOI.

Ferland TM, *Colcord DE, *Shilling AM, Brassell SC, Stanistreet IG, Stollhofen, H, Njau JK, Schick KD, Toth N and Freeman KH (2021) Biased preservation of Pleistocene climate variability proxies at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562. DOI

Torre LDS, Benito-Calvo A, Martín-Ramos C, McHenry LJ, Mora R, Njau JK, Pante M, Stanistreet IG and Stollhofen H (2021). New excavations in the MNK Skull site, and the last appearance of the Oldowan and Homo habilis at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 61. DOI

Stollhofen H, Stanistreet IG, Toth N, Schick KD, Rodríguez-Cintas A, Albert RM, *Farrugia P, Njau JK, Pante MC, Herrmann E, Ruck L, Bamford MK, Blumenschine RJ and Masao FT (2021) Olduvai's Oldest Oldowan. Journal of Human Evolution 150. DOI