Earth Science B.S./M.S.

Earth Science BS/Secondary Education MS

You must apply and earn admittance to the School of Education's Secondary Transition to Teaching and the Master of Science in Education programs during the fall semester of your senior year.

If you are interested in this program, you should seek advising from both our department and the School of Education. You are also advised to check on the effect that the transition to graduate status may have on existing undergraduate funding.

About the BS/MS Earth Science

Our department, in conjunction with the IU School of Education, offers an accelerated five-year program in which you can obtain a B.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, an M.S. in Secondary Education, and also complete all requirements for state licensure in Secondary Education.

Students pursuing a B.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/M.S. Secondary Education degree should use the Academic Bulletin year appropriate for your year of matriculation.

Requirements for the B.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/M.S. Secondary Education degree can be found by clicking on the relevant Bulletin below: