- PhD in Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, 2019
- B.S Mathematics and Physics, Yale University, 2013

David Lilien
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
The Glaciology research group studies how glaciers and ice sheets move and respond to changes in climate. Our work ranges in scale from individual ice crystals to continental ice sheets, using a combination of numerical models, remote sensing, and field data.
We are primarily focused on processes that control how quickly ice can deform. We then consider the implications for future of the ice sheets directly, using models of ice flow in the present and future, and indirectly, by better understanding how ice has flowed in the past.
The central motivation for our work is that ice-sheet retreat causes global sea-level rise. The rate at which ice flows to warm, coastal regions a key control on the rate of sea-level rise, and thus has implications for millions of people worldwide.