This fund supports the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington for geological research of various types, (fuels, industrial minerals, environmental geology, stratigraphy and sedimentation) in Indiana.
Ralph E. Esarey Geology Fund
Biography: Ralph E. Esarey, 1901-1975
Details written by Robert Shrock in 1985
Ralph Emerson Esarey was a fourth-generation Hoosier, born in Cannelton on April 25, 1901. In 1911, his family moved to Bloomington, where his father, Logan Esarey, joined the faculty of the History department of Indiana University. In 1922, he earned the bachelor’s degree from Indiana University, majoring in Geology, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The following year, he received the master’s degree and later did graduate work in geology at the University of Chicago. In 1925, Ralph received appointment as instructor in the Department of Geology at IU and continued to serve in this department until his retirement in 1966, except for several leaves of absence. During this time, he taught a wide variety of subjects including general geology, mineralogy, structural geology, sedimentation and stratigraphy, and applied geology, especially in the areas of mineral resources and their development. During the latter part of his teaching career, he was responsible for the petroleum geology pro-gram. In the field of petroleum exploration and development, Ralph had a wide and varied experience which broadened his acquaintance with the non-academic geologic world. He consulted with many independent producers and petroleum companies in Venezuela, the Gulf Coast area and Texas, and in the interior continental areas from the Appalachian basin to Kansas.