Professor John Droste and his wife Mary Droste established a yearly monetary award to honor an outstanding associate instructor because, as the story goes, Dr. Droste used more AIs in his classes throughout his career than any other faculty member in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Award Winners
2023 James Ryan
2022 Danielle Peltier
2021 Harrison Martin
2020 Elizabeth Sherrill
2019 Joshua Smith
2018 Chris Helou
2017 John Kearney
2016 Ryan Deasy
2015 Louis Wersan, Devon Colcord
2014 James Wallace
2013 Elizabeth Cola
2012 Kellie Donoghue
2011 Katie Nold
2010 Katarina Topalov, Emily Gercke
2009 Kevin Robertson
2007 Hsiu Wen Wang
2003 2002 A. Erik Boice, Russell House
2001 Sarah Pietraszek-Mattner, James Van Alstine
2000 Dana Cannon
1999 Brandon Watts
1998 Mark Buehler
1997 Audrey Aronowsky
1996 Kristen Hagstrom
1995 Craig Rankin
1994 Matthew Noriega, Patrick O'Malley, Christopher Gellasch
1993 Glenn Bear, Dorothy Paine
1991 John Holbrook, Matthew Averill
1990 David Jacques, Barbra Gruver
1989 Daniel Petzold
1988 Signe Wurstner, Robert Pruett
1987 Mark Brown, William Nellist
1986 Randy Bayless, Tom Dewers
1985 Gregory Berkhouse, Ann Petricca
1984 Todd Thompson, Michael Murphy
1982 Christopher Maples, Marty Yates
1971 Richard Alexander
1969 Graig Shaak
1968 Peter E. VandeWater
1967 Sherman M. Clebnik