EAS G633 Advanced Geophysics Seminar

36905 — Spring 2025

Jianhua (Ginny) Gong
Days and Times
Course Description

Instructors:  Ginny Gong, Michael Hamburger, Kaj Johnson

Course Description:

Imagine that you are a marine geoscientist with a burning scientific question that you could
answer if you only had the perfect data and/or samples. Lucky for you, this course on marine
geology and geophysics will teach you about the techniques that you can use to collect data at sea to answer your question! In the process, we will explore the tectonics of mid-ocean ridges and transform faults through lectures and discussions.

Course Learning Objectives:

At the end of this course, you should be able to:
● Describe the processes occurring at ridges and transform faults.
● Explain the types of data collected by marine geologists (at sea and in the lab) and
identify the vehicles or tools required to do this.
● Read/discuss scientific journal articles and apply this knowledge to key marine geology

Methods of Assessment:

● Lecture attendance
● Submission of questions about reading assignments
● Active participation in discussions
● Searle (2013), Mid-Ocean Ridges, Cambridge University Press.

Read the syllabus