- Ph.D., Geology and Geophysics, University of California at Berkeley, 1973
- Ingeniero de Minas, School of Mining Engineering, Madrid, 1967

Enrique Merino
Professor Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Professor Emeritus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
I was raised in Almería, Spain, took a degree in mining engineering in Madrid in 1965, was a fellow of the Fulbright (1967-68) and Del Amo (1969-1971) Foundations at Berkeley, obtained a doctorate in geochemistry and petrology at the University of California at Berkeley in 1973, and have taught geochemistry, mineralogy and petrography at Indiana University-Bloomington from 1976 until 2007. After my dissertation research into the diagenesis of sandstones and interstitial solutions at Kettleman North Dome, California, 1973-1979, my 1984 NATO review opened the new field of geochemical self-patterning and led me to investigate, with colleagues, the genesis of many self-organized structures: stylolitization, agate banding and twisted chalcedony fibers, Precambrian banded iron formations, planar and orbicular repetitive layering in igneous rocks, oscillatory zoning, sets of karst sinks, sets of dolomitic zebra veins, and others. The title of my last course at Indiana, “From Petrography to Geochemistry,” summarizes my main interest – to link petrography and geochemical dynamics. The discovery that mineral replacement in metasomatic rocks happens not by dissolution-precipitation as widely assumed, but by its converse, precipitation/pressure-solution, has led to breakthroughs in understanding the dynamics of silicate weathering, terra rossa and karst formation, the retrograde metamorphism of magnesian marbles, burial dolomitization, and serpentinization of peridotites. The replacements involved in the last two, dolomitization and serpentinization, turn out to be self-accelerating and to transition – through a kinetic-rheological feedback – into late displacive zebra veins.
Merino, E. 1975. Diagenesis in Tertiary sandstones from Kettleman North Dome, California I. Diagenetic mineralogy. Jour. Sed. Petrology 45:320 336. DOI
Merino, E. 1975. Diagenesis in Tertiary sandstones from Kettleman North Dome, California II. Interstitial solutions: distribution of aqueous species at l00°C and relation to the diagenetic minerals. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39:l629–45. DOI
Merino, E. 1979. Internal consistency of a water analysis and uncertainty of the calculated distribution of aqueous species at 25°C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 43:l533–l542. DOI
Giroir G., Merino E. and Nahon D. (1989) Diagenesis of Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs of the South Gabon rift basin, west Africa: mineralogy, mass transfer, and thermal evolution. J. Sedimentary Petrology 59, 482-493. DOI
Merino, E., Harvey, C. and Murray, H. 1989. Aqueous chemical control of the tetrahedral aluminum content of quartz, halloysite and other low–temperature aluminosilicates. Clays and Clay Minerals 37:135–142.
Giroir, G., Merino, E., and Nahon, D. 1990. Diagenesis of Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs of the South Gabon rift basin, west Africa - mineralogy, mass-transfer, and thermal evolution - Reply. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 60(3):477-480.
Merino, E., Girard, J.–P., May, M.T. and Ranganathan, V. 1997. Diagenetic mineralogy, history, and dynamics of Mesozoic arkoses, Hartford rift basin, Connecticut. J. Sedimentary Research 67:212–224. DOI
Ortoleva, P., Merino, E. and Strickholm, P. 1982. Kinetics of metamorphic layering in anisotropically stressed rocks. Amer. J. Science 282:6l7–643.
Merino, E., Ortoleva, P. and Strickholm, P. 1983. Generation of evenly spaced pressure solution seams during (late) diagenesis: a kinetic theory. Contrib. Mineral. Petrology 82:360–370. DOI
Merino, E. 1984. "Survey of geochemical self patterning phenomena." In Nicolis G and Baras F (eds), Chemical Instabilities. Applications in Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Materials Science, NATO Advanced Science Series C. l20:305–328, Reidel Publ. (weblink)
Merino, E. 1987. Textures of low temperature self organization. In Rodríguez Clemente R. and Tardy Y., eds., Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface. Consejo Superior Investigaciones Científicas (Spain) and Centre Natl. Recherche Scientifique (France), Madrid, p. 597 610.
Ortoleva, P., Merino, E., Moore, C. and Chadam, J. 1987. Geochemical self organization, I. Feedbacks, quantitative modeling. Amer. J. Science 287:979–1007. DOI
Wang Y. and Merino E. 1990. Self-organizational origin of agates: banding, fiber twisting, composition, and dynamic crystallization model. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54:1627-1638. DOI
Wang, Yifeng and Merino, E. 1992. Dynamic model of oscillatory trace element zoning in calcite: inhibition, double layer, self–organization. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56:587–596. DOI
Merino, E. 1992. Self–organization in stylolites. American Scientist 80:466–473.
Wang, Yifeng and Merino, E. 1993. Oscillatory magma crystallization by feedback between the concentrations of reactants and mineral growth rates. J. Petrology 34:369–382. DOI
Wang, Yifeng and Merino, E. 1995. Origin of fibrosity and banding in agates from flood basalts. Amer. J. Science 295:49–77. DOI
Merino, E., Wang, Yifeng, and Deloule, É. 1995. Genesis of agates in flood basalts: Twisting of chalcedony fibers and trace element geochemistry. Amer. J. Science 295:1156–1176. DOI
Merino, E. and Wang, Yifeng 2001. Self–organization in rocks: Occurrences, observations, modeling, testing – with emphasis on agate genesis. In Hans-Jürgen Krug and Jörn H. Kruhl (eds), Non–Equilibrium Processes and Dissipative Structures in Geoscience, Yearbook "Self–Organization" vol 11, p.13–45, Berlin, Duncker and Humblot, 380 p.
Merino, E. 2005. Very–high-temperature, closed–system origin of agates in basalts: New model, old and new evidence. In Kile D, Michalski T. and Modreski P. (eds), A Symposium on Agate and Microcrystalline Quartz; Golden, Colorado, Sept 9-11.
Merino, E., Canals, À. and Fletcher, R.C. 2006. Genesis of self–organized zebra textures in burial dolomites: Displacive veins, induced stress, dolomitization. Geologica Acta 4:383–393. DOI
Merino, E. and Banerjee, A. 2008. Terra rossa genesis, implications for karst, and eolian dust: A geodynamic thread. Journal of Geology 116:62–75. DOI
Wang, Yifeng, Xu, H., Merino, E. and Konishi, H. 2009. Generation of Banded Iron Formations by internal dynamics and leaching of oceanic crust. Nature Geoscience, November issue 2:781–784. DOI
Merino, E. and Canals, À. 2011. Self–accelerating dolomite–for–calcite replacement: Self–organized dynamics of burial dolomitization and associated mineralization. Amer. J. Science 311:573–607. DOI
Merino, E., Wang, Yifeng and Banerjee, A. 2012. Self–organized dynamics of karst limestone landscapes and coupled terra rossa formation. Abstr 1483537. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco Dec 2013.
Wang Y., Chan, M.A. and Merino, E. 2015. Self-organized iron-oxide cementation geometry as an indicator of paleo-flows. Nature-Scientific Reports 5:10792 DOI
Ortoleva, P., Chadam, J., Merino, E., Hettmer, J., Moore, C. and Ripley, E. 1986. Redox front propagation and banding modalities. Physica D 19:334–354. DOI
Chadam, J., Hoff, D., Merino, E., Ortoleva, P. and Sen, A. 1986. Reactive infiltration instability. IMA J. Appl. Math. 36:207–221. DOI
Ortoleva, P., Chadam, J., Merino, E. and Sen, A. 1987. Geochemical self organization, II. The reactive infiltration instability in water rock systems. Amer. J. Science 287:1008–1040. DOI
Merino, E. and Wang, Yifeng 2001. Self–organization in rocks: Occurrences, observations, modeling, testing – with emphasis on agate genesis. In: Hans–Jürgen Krug and Jörn H. Kruhl (eds), Non–Equilibrium Processes and Dissipative Structures in Geoscience, Yearbook "Self–Organization" 11:13–45, Berlin, Duncker and Humblot, 380 p.
Banerjee, A. and Merino, E. 2011. Terra rossa genesis by clay–for–limestone replacement: III. Dynamic quantitative model. J. Geology 119:259–274. DOI
Merino, E., Nahon, D. and Wang, Yifeng 1993. Kinetics and mass transfer of replacement: application to replacement of parent minerals and kaolinite by Al, Fe and Mn oxides during weathering. Amer. J. Science 293:135–155. DOI
Merino, E. and Dewers, T. 1998. Implications of replacement for reaction-transport modeling. Journal of Hydrology 209:137–146. DOI
Fletcher, R.C. and Merino, E. 2001. Mineral growth in solid rock: kinetics and rheology in replacement, vein formation, and tectonic crystallization. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65(21):3733–3748. (Special Issue dedicated to H.C. Helgeson)
Fletcher, R.C. and Merino, E. 2001. Mineral growth in rocks: interacting stress and kinetics in veins growth, replacement, and water-rock interaction. In: R. Cidu, editor, Water-Rock Interaction, pp.161-164, Lisse, A.A. Balkema.
Merino, E., and Canals, À. 2011. Self–accelerating dolomite- for-calcite replacement: Self-organized dynamics of burial dolomitization and associated mineralization. Amer. J. Science 311:573–607. DOI
Merino, E. 2013. “Kinetic–rheological insights uncovered by the self–accelerating brucite–for–periclase replacement. The blind spot of geochemists.” AGU Abstract 1787774, San Francisco, Dec 2013
Merino, E. 2016. Mineral replacement and dynamics of metamorphism: The blind spot of geochemists as illustrated by the brucite-for-periclase replacement in marbles. 15th Water-Rock Interaction Internat. Symposium WRI-15.
Merino, E., Nahon, D. and Wang, Yifeng 1993. Kinetics and mass transfer of replacement: application to replacement of parent minerals and kaolinite by Al, Fe and Mn oxides during weathering. Amer. J. Science 293:135–155. DOI
Wang, Yifeng., Nahon, D. and Merino, E. 1994. Dynamic model of the genesis of calcretes replacing silicate rocks in semi–arid regions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58:5131–5145. DOI
Wang, Yutian, Wang, Yifeng and Merino, E. 1995. Dynamic weathering model: Constraints required by coupled dissolution and pseudomorphic replacement. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59:1559–1570. DOI
Nahon, D. and Merino, E. 1997. Pseudomorphic replacement in tropical weathering: Evidence, geochemical consequences, and kinetic–rheological origin. Amer. J. Science 297:393–417. DOI
Merino, E. and Banerjee, A. 2008. Terra rossa genesis, implications for karst, and eolian dust: A geodynamic thread. Journal of Geology 116:62–75. DOI
Meert, J.G., Pruett, F. and Merino, E. 2009. An ’inverse conglomerate’ paleomagnetic test and timing of in–situ terra rossa formation at Bloomington, Indiana. Journal of Geology 117:126–138. DOI
Banerjee, A. and Merino, E. 2011. Terra rossa genesis by clay–for–limestone replacement: III. Dynamic quantitative model. J. Geology 119:259–274. DOI
Merino E., Wang, Yifeng and Banerjee, A. 2012. Self–organized dynamics of karst limestone landscapes and coupled terra rossa/bauxite formation. Abstr 1483537. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2012.
Merino, E., Canals, À. and Fletcher, R.C. 2006. Genesis of self–organized zebra textures in burial dolomites: Displacive veins, induced stress, and dolomitization. Geologica Acta 4:383–393. DOI
Merino, E. and Canals, À. 2011. Self–accelerating dolomite–for–calcite replacement: Self–organized dynamics of burial dolomitization and associated mineralization. Amer. J. Science 311:573–607. DOI
Merino E., Canals À, 2018, Reply to Comment by D. W. Morrow on “Self-accelerating dolomite-for-calcite replacement: Self-organized dynamics of…” Amer. J. Science 318: 887-892.
Merino, E., Canals, À. 2019, Why magnesite, talc, and MVT ore deposits are associated with burial dolostones: Serpentinization provides the magnesium, Proceedings of the 15th SGA Biennial Meeting, 27-30 August 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 1260-1263.
Ulbrich, H.H. and Merino, E. 1974. An examination of standard enthalpies of formation of minerals in the system SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O-K2O-H2O. Amer. J. Sci. 274:5l0 542. DOI
Wintsch, R.P., Merino, E. and Blakely, R.F. 1980. Rapid quench hydrothermal experiments in dilute chloride solutions: appraisal of the technique and applications to the muscovite quartz sanidine equilibrium. Amer. Mineralogist 65:l002 l0ll.
Merino, E., Harvey, C. and Murray, H. 1989. Aqueous chemical control of the tetrahedral aluminum content of quartz, halloysite and other low–temperature aluminosilicates. Clays and Clay Minerals 37:135–142.
Merino, E., Nahon, D. and Wang, Yifeng 1999. Simultaneous replacement, redox, and self-organization in the weathering of Mn–rich shales at Moanda, Gabon. In Armannsson, H. (ed), Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 393-395.
Zhang, Y., Person, M. and Merino, E. 2005. Hydrologic and geochemical controls on soluble benzene migration in sedimentary basins. Geofluids 5:83–105. DOI